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Analysis of Character in Robinson Crusoe

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Analysis of Character in Robinson Crusoe

Abstract: A Robinson Crusoe is a classic representative works of the famous English novelist Defoe, which tells the story of a hero named Robinson that is in trouble when he puts out to sea. Finally Robinson drifts to a desert island, struggles to make a living on the island for 28 years, and finally manages to return to the real society. The author Defoe creates this novel according to his own background and experiences, and combines these with the hero Robinson’s adventure life on a desert island, so that he creates the typical character of the emerging bourgeoisie -- Robinson. Robinson’s character is the most important reason for his survival, which has always been a hot research topic among scholars. At the same time, many of those good qualities are worth our thinking and learning.
Key Words: Robinson; Friday; character

摘要:《鲁滨逊漂流记》是英国著名小说家笛福的经典代表作品,讲述了一个名叫鲁滨逊的主人公因为出海遇难,漂流到一个无人的荒岛上,在岛上坚持生活了二十八年,最后成功返回到现实社会的故事。作者从笛福所处的时代背景及其自身经历出发, 结合主人公鲁滨逊在荒岛上的历险生活, 创造了鲁滨逊这个极具个性色彩的新兴资产阶级的典型人物形象。鲁滨逊的人物性格是他能够顽强存活下来的重要原因,也是历来文人研究其人物性格的一大亮点,其中的很多骄人品质都值得我们现代人思考和学习。
关键词: 鲁滨逊;星期五;性格分析


Abstract in English …………………..……………………………………………………II
Abstract in Chinese………………………………………………………………………III

1.0  Introduction………………………………………………………………………….1
2.0  Literature Review……………………………………………………………………2
3.0  Character Analysis in Robinson Crusoe………………………………………….2
3.1  About Robinson…………………………………………….....……………………3
3.1.1  The Image of Adventure Spirit…………………………....………………...…3
3.1.2  The Image of Hard-working Spirit…………………….………....……………4
3.1.3  The Image of Enjoying Life Spirit……………………………………………4
3.1.4  Bourgeois Image………………………………….……………....……………4
3.2  About Friday……………………………...…….………………………..…………5
3.2.1  The Image of Brave Spirit………………………………..……....……………5
3.2.2  The Image of Allegiance Spirit………………………………....……………6
3.2.3  Thankful Image………………………………….……………....……………6
4.0  Reasons for the Forming of the Characters……………………………………...7
4.1  Social Reasons………………………...………….…...………….………………7
4.1.1  The Rise of Bourgeoisie………………………………….……....……………8
4.1.2  The Desire of Treasure and New World……………………….……………8
4.2  Historical Reasons………………………...………….………...………….….……9
4.2.1  The Impact of Colonialism………………………………..……....…………9
4.2.2  The Impact of Religionism………………………………....……………10
5.0 Conclusion………………………..…..............………………………………….…....10