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Aesthetics in The Picture of Dorian Gray and Its Relevance to Victorian Era

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Aesthetics in The Picture of Dorian Gray and Its Relevance to Victorian Era

Abstract:The Picture of Dorian Gray is a philosophical novel written by Oscar Wilde in the July 1890, which tells us a story about a beautiful man, Dorian Gray. He is innocent before he meet Lord Henry, as the story goes, he become more and more degenerate and eventual downfall. Oscar Wilde uses a large number of aesthetic elements and gothic forms to explain the story, which is full of fantasy, fascinating, and full of the irony of that deformed society in Victorian era. This thesis explores gothic fiction, aesthetics and the novel’s significance to Victorian era based on Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray. It explores the gothic elements of the story, the characters’ preoccupation with aesthetics, the contrast therein, and the book’s significance as social commentary to Victorian era, where beauty and youth are obsessively craved and sought after. This thesis will introduce the relationship between the story and the Vitoria era. On the one hand, it will introduce the characteristics of the Vitoria era, and on the other hand, it will introduce the content and significance of the novel. Most importantly, this novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray will be interpreted from the aesthetic point of view and to reflect the special characteristics of Victorian era.
Key wordsAesthetics; Victorian era; Oscar Wilde; The Picture of Dorian Gray


Abstract  Ⅰ
摘要  Ⅱ
Introduction 1
1 Aesthetics 1
1.1 The definition of Aesthetics 1
1.2 The development of aesthetics 2
1.3 Aesthetics and aestheticism 3
1.4 Aesthetics and the gothic 3
2 The Victorian era 4
2.1 The ideology in Victorian era 4
2.2 The religion in Victorian era 5
2.3 The hedonism in Victorian era 5
2.4 The Victorian morality 6
3 The introduction of The Picture of Dorian Gray 6
3.1The themes of The Picture of Dorian Gray 7
3.2 The Language arts of The Picture of Dorian Gray 7
4 Victorian era and aesthetics as key issues of The Picture of Dorian Gray 8
4.1 Aesthetics in The Picture of Dorian Gray 9
4.1.1 Gothic elements in The Picture 10
4.1.2 Beauty and aesthetics in Dorian Gray 10
4.2 The love affairs embodied in Victorian era 11
Conclusion 13
Bibliography 14
Acknowledgments 15