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关于中国与美国报刊中国形象建构的批评话语分析 - 以中共十九大报道为例【英文】

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A critical Discourse analysis of the construction of China’s image in China and American newspaper–A case study on the reports of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China
关于中国与美国报刊中国形象建构的批评话语分析 - 以中共十九大报道为例


The national image is an important part of a country’s soft power. In the world today, with the rapid development of communication technology, the mass media has penetrated into almost every aspect of social life. And with the help of its communication advantages, it has played an extremely important role in the process of constructing a country’s national image.
The United States is the most influential country in the world today and has many common interests with China. Leaders of the two countries have also conducted several friendly visits and the parties have cooperated closely.
With the continuous improvement of China’s international status and the increase of international discourse power, the formulation of China’s national policies will certainly have an impact on the international community. As a result, China has attracted more and more attention. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has not only become a major concern for the Chinese people, but has also attracted the attention of the international community. Foreign media have paid great attention to the relevant topics and contents of the Nineteenth Congress.
This article selects news of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China which are from the authoritative media of China and the United States as the object of study. It uses critical discourse analysis to analyze samples. Based on the Fairclough’s three-dimensional analysis framework, the Chinese national image reported by China Daily and Washington Post reflects the society’s views and attitudes toward China, and then the paper explains the factors and consciousness behind the discourse.
Key word    National imageCritical Discourse Analysis; Fairclough’s Three-dimensional Model; news reports; the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China


Acknowledgement 2
Abstract 3
摘要 4
Chapter One Introduction 7
1.1 Background of the Research 7
1.2 Objectives of the research 7
1.3 Layout of the thesis 8
Chapter Two Literature Review 10
2.1 National Images 10
2 .1 .1 Definitions of National Images 10
2 .1.2 Studies of National Images 10
2.2 Research of Critical Discourse Analysis abroad and at home 11
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework 14
3.1 Overview of CDA 14
3.1.1 Definition of CDA 14
3.2 Main approaches of CDA 14
3.2.1 Fairclough’s Three-dimensional Model 14
Chapter Four Research Source and Analysis 17
4.1 Introduction of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China 17
4.2 The construction of China’s image in China and American newspaper 17
4.2The analysis of Description 18
4.2.1The analysis of Chinese News 18
4.2.2 The analysis of American News 19
4.2.2Interpretation 21
4.2.3Explanation 23
Chapter Five Conclusion 25
5.1 Major findings 25
5.1 .1 China's Images Constructed in China Daily 25
5.1.2 China's Images Constructed in The Washington Post 26
5.1.3 Causes for the Different Images in China Daily and Washington Post 26
5.2 Limitations 27
References 28