A Comparative Study of the Differences in Family Education between China and America Abstract All the children's first school was his family. Our parents were our first teachers. A good parent is very important to a child, which has become the consensus of modern parents. What parents give to their children is not just rich life and handsome appearance, the most important thing is to give their children a successful and happy life. “Wang Zi Cheng Long”is the hope of the parents all over the world. Family education in China and the United States are different in many ways. This paper focuses on the differences between Chinese and American education in cultivating their children, so as to find some scientific and correct education ways to promote the development of Chinese family education. Key words: Family Education in China and the United States; educational views; educational content; educational methods; 中文摘要 所有的孩子上的第一所学校就是他的家庭。而我们的父母则是我们的第一个老师。一个好的父母对于孩子来说是十分重要的,这已成为现代父母的共识。父母给孩子的不能只是富裕的生活和英俊的外表,最重要的是给孩子成功、快乐和幸福的人生。望子成龙是天下父母的希望。中美家庭教育在教育观点、内容、方式及教育结果方面都有所不同。本论文重点分析中美教育在培养孩子方面的不同,希望可以找到一些科学的,正确的教育方式,来促进中国家庭教育的发展。 关键词:中美家庭教育; 教育观点; 教育内容; 教育方式; |
A Comparative Study of the Differences in Family Education between China and America