试析陈郡谢氏的家族兴衰对其婚姻关系的影响 摘 要 陈郡谢氏是魏晋南北朝时期首屈一指的世家大族,其家族发展大致经历了崛起、兴盛、衰落三个阶段,而婚姻作为一种社会文化现象,往往反映了一个社会的政治经济文化的总体状况。随着谢氏的家族发展兴衰,其婚姻状况也呈现出不同的变化,故本文试就陈郡谢氏的家族兴衰与其婚姻状况的关系探讨一二。本文试从四个方面切入探讨双方的关系:第一部分对谢氏家族的发展兴衰做一个分期概述;第二部分对各个时期内的婚姻状况进行分析;第三部分试着探讨谢氏的家族兴衰对其婚姻状况的影响;第四部分论述其婚姻关系对家族兴衰的反作用。 关键词: 陈郡谢氏;家族兴衰;婚姻关系 ABSTARCT The Chen Junxie clan was the leading aristocratic family in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. Its family development roughly experienced three stages of rise, prosperity, and decline.As a sociocultural phenomenon,marriage often reflects the overall political, economic and cultural conditions of a society. With the development and decline of Xie's family,his marital status also showed different changes,so this article tries to discuss the relationship between the rise and decline of Xie's family in Chen Jun and their marital status. This article attempts to explore the relationship between the two parties from four aspects: the first part is a staged overview of the development of the Xie family;the second part analyzes the marital status in each period;the third part tries to explore the rise and fall of the Xie family The impact of his marital status; The fourth part discusses the reaction of his marital relationship on the rise and fall of the family.
Key words:The Xie family in Chenjun;The rise and fall of the family; Marriage relationship 目 录 摘 要 h III ABSTARCT IV 第一章 学术史回顾 1 一、对陈郡谢氏兴衰过程的研究 1 二、对陈郡谢氏婚宦特征及其变化原因的探讨 1 三、对士族婚姻传承及其背后社会现象的研究 2 第二章 陈郡谢氏的家族兴衰 3 一、崛起时期——由谢缵至谢安出仕 3 二、兴盛时期——由谢安出仕至刘宋末 4 三、衰落时期——由刘宋末至南朝末 5 第三章 各时期内的婚姻状况分析 5 一、崛起时期 5 二、兴盛时期 6 三、衰落时期 7 第四章 试析陈郡谢氏的家族兴衰对其婚姻状况的影响 7 第五章 婚姻关系对家族兴衰的反作用 8 一、维持谢家的既得地位 8 二、近亲结婚带来的基因劣化 9 三、使谢氏在无形中树敌无数,为其侯景之乱时的衰落埋下了伏笔 9 结语 10 参考文献 11 致谢 12 |