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关键词:魏征 秘书素质 秘书能力



With the progress of The Times, the innovation of science and technology,the contemporary society to the secretary work quality and ability requirements are more and more high.Therefore, as a modern secretary,we can better help us to improve the quality and ability of the secretary through the study of predecessors.Wei Zheng was a virtuous prime minister during the reign of Zhenguan.He was known as a "famous prime minister of a generation" because he was outspoken and admonishedand assisted Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty in jointly establishing the "reign of Zhenguan".Wei Zheng is a very outstanding secretary,his ability to assist the king is very worth us to learn from.This paper tries to explore Wei Zheng the historical figures, through Wei Zheng this mirror,examines and analyzes the current situation of today's secretary,draw lessons from the previous approach to explore the secretaryshould have the quality and ability,put forward new requirements for the contemporary secretarial work and the new approach, for the secretary to work effectively in the future to provide certain theoretical and practical support.

KeyWords:Wei Zheng secretary quality secretarial ability



一、 简述现代对秘书的要求 1

(二)素质要求 1

1、政治素质 1

2、职业道德素质 1

3、知识能力素质 2

4、人际交往素质 2

(二)能力要求 3

1、要有逻辑思维,能合理安排时间 3

2、要全面了解,直言敢谏 3

3、要具有深厚的文字修养 3

4、要善于协调人际关系 3

二、魏征秘书工作 4

(一)生平 4

(二)魏征的秘书生涯 4

三、魏征素质与能力 5

(一)不以私利为先而以大局为重 5

(二)体察下情维护民众利益 6

(三)具备高超有效的协调能力 6

(四)忠于职守敢于进谏 7

(五)善于运用“能说会道” 7

(六)始终以法为基准 8

四、 对当代秘书工作的启示 8

(一)自知者明 8

(二)发挥好秘书的桥梁作用 8

(三)具备协调能力化繁为简 9

(四)遵守职业操守 10

(五)学会运用“寓贬于褒”的策略 10

(六)恪守法律法规,坚守初心 11

结论 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15