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Chapter I.Introduction

A.Introduction to Literary Work

Their eyes were watching god was a story first published in 1937 written by Zora Neale Hurston, which was the one the greatest works in the period of Harlem Renaissance. It described the protagonist Janie Crawford’s three different marriage relationship which had different endings and her self-realization in this tough progress. This story was about inner maturity and self-realization.The protagonist Janie Crawford experienced three marriage relationship with threemen having totally different personality, eventually find and lose her true love. Through this process, Janie Crawford is no longer desirable for someone who can take her out of the current trouble and chaos, which means she ultimately depends on herself. Not only in the era of the writer but also in the current time,this story inspired many people to break the restrictions of marriage or some other social biases and become the person they want to be, especially for the female.