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摘 要:
《呼啸山庄》是英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特一生中唯一的一本小说。 本论文旨在通过存在主义视角,分析《呼啸山庄》的悲剧根源。 论文将主要从小说中偶然荒谬的情节、辛德雷 和伊萨贝拉的悲惨命运、凯瑟琳的选择和责任等角度出发, 基于存在主义代表人物加缪的“荒谬”理论和萨特的“自由选择”理论, 分析造成《呼啸山庄》中各个人物悲惨结局的根源。 本文同时运用了加缪的“理性反抗”分析了男女主人公的悲剧根源, 男主人公的反抗意识正是19世纪阶级斗争的体现, 也传达了艾米莉呼吁人们敢于冲破牢笼、追寻自由的思想。

关键词:《呼啸山庄》; 存在主义; 自由选择; 悲剧; 反抗精神

An Interpretation of the Tragic Root of Wuthering Heights from the Perspective of Existentialism

Wuthering Heights is the only novel written by Emily Bronte, an English female writer. This study aims to analyze the tragic root of Wuthering Heights from the perspective of existentialism. Based on Camus’ existentialism theory and Sartre’s theory of free choice, this study will explore the root cause of the tragedy in Wuthering Heights through an analysis of the accidental and absurd plot, the tragic fate of Hindley and Isabella, Catherine’s dual personality. At the same time, this paper uses Camus’ theory of rational resistance to analyze the tragic root of the hero and heroine. The revolt consciousness of the hero is the embodiment of the class struggle in the 19th century, and it also conveys the idea that Emily calls on people to break through the cage and pursue freedom.

Key words: Wuthering Heights; existentialism; free choice; tragedy; revolt


1 Introduction 1

1.1 Emily Bronte 1

1.2 Wuthering Heights 2

1.3 Purpose of the Study 2

2 Current Research on Wuthering Heights 3

2.1 Previous Studies on Wuthering Heights at Home 3

2.2 Previous Studies on Wuthering Heights Abroad 5

3 Theoretical Basis 6

3.1 Albert Camus’ Existentialism Theory 6

3.2 Jean-Paul Sartre’s Existentialism Theory 7

4 Analysis of the Tragic Roots of Wuthering Heights 8

4.1 The Absurdity and Coincidence of the Plot 8

4.2 Analysis of the Tragic Fate of the Characters 9

4.2.1 Physical Suicide: the Tragic End of Hindley 9

4.2.2 Philosophical Suicide: the Collapse of Isabella’s Spiritual World 9

4.2.3 Revolt: the Wild Consciousness of Heathcliff 11

4.3 Free Choice and Responsibility: Catherine on Her Way to Madness 13

4.4 Summary 15

5 Conclusion 15