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A Study of Subtitle Translation of Documentary Film from the Perspective of Skopos Theory--A Case Study of Wild China 目的论视角下探讨纪录片字幕翻译——以《美丽中国》为例

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A Study of Subtitle Translation of Documentary Film from the Perspective of Skopos Theory -- A Case Study of Wild China


The internationalization of documentaries has become a trend in the global documentary industry.In 2011, CCTV-9 Documentary Channel,the first professional documentary channel covering the whole world, was officially launched. The first documentary launched by the channel is the documentary Wild China,which was filmed by China Television Media and BBC Natural History Production Team for three years. And it is a typical representative of China’s documentary entering the international track.

Based on the Skopos theory,this thesis takes Wild China as the object of study to discuss the three rules of skopos theory, the translation strategies and the corresponding translation skills and methods. And this thesis analyzes the textual function of documentary subtitles,the director’s shooting intention and the expectation of the target audience to puts forward some feasible translation strategies, feasible translation methods and feasible translation techniques.

It is found that under the guidance of Skopos theory,the translator follows the three rules when translating the subtitles of the documentary Wild China. Among them, the situation of following the skopos rule is the most, followed by the coherence rule and the fidelity rule. Besides, in most of the translation text,the translation strategy of domestication is adopted, supplemented by free translation, imitation and variation translation. In the remaining places where the cultural characteristics of the original language need to be preserved, the translator uses the strategy of foreignization,supplemented by the translation methods of literal translation and transliteration.

Through the study of documentary subtitle translation,the author hopes that more scholars will pay attention to documentary subtitle translation, so as to improve the quality of documentary subtitle translation, so as to promote cultural exchanges and communication.

Key words: Skopos Theory; documentary film; subtitle (​E:​/​Dict​/​​/​resultui​/​html​/​index.html" \l "​/​javascript:;​) translation (​E:​/​Dict​/​​/​resultui​/​html​/​index.html" \l "​/​javascript:;​); Wild China

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