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摘 要

澳大利亚著名作家考琳·麦卡洛的长篇小说《荆棘鸟》自1977年问世以后,迅速成为风靡全球的“国际畅销小说”,在西方文坛被誉为“继《飘》之后最成功的家世小说和爱情传奇”,被后人称为澳洲的《飘》。小说讲诉了克利里家族三代女人的爱情故事。其中以女主人公梅吉的“爱之目光”被一教士点燃为“爱当中的死的契机” 展开全文线索纠葛。三代女性的爱情婚姻生活,从而体现出女性意识的自我觉醒。作者通过讲述祖孙三代的情感经历,把女性内在的本质展现读者面前。一方面反映了作者对妇女为获得自己应有的权利的尊重;另一方面,作者通过对她们性格的刻画,生活经历的描述,控诉了社会对女性的歧视,指出正是男权专制迫使她们以牺牲爱情、金钱、尊严等手段来获得自我实现。研究《荆棘鸟》中的女性形象与她们的命运之间的联系,作品中每个女性形象都有自己的女性自我意识,对读者的生活具有重要的鼓舞作用,通过对作品中女性人物形象的研究,使每个读者对于女性形象有了更深入的认识。

关键词:女性意识 宗教 人性 爱情 反抗


The Thorn Birds, a novel written by the famous Australian writer Colleen McCullough,was published in 1977 and has quickly become an international bestseller all over the world. It has been praised as the most successful family story and love saga after Gone with the Wind in the western literary world. It is also known as Gone with the Wind in Australia.The novel tells the love story of three generations of women in the Cleary family.Among them, the heroine Meggie's "eyes of love" isignited by a priest as "the chance of death in love". The love and marriage life of three generations of women,thus reflecting the self-awakening of female consciousness. By telling the emotional experiences of three generations,the author reveals the inner nature of women to the readers. On the one hand, it reflects the author's respect for women to obtain their due rights;On the other hand, through the description of their characters and life experiences,the author accuses the society of discrimination against women and points out that it is the patriarchal dictatorship that forces them to sacrifice love, money, dignity and other means to achieve self-realization. The study of the relationship between the female images in The Thorn Birdsand their fate shows that every female image in the work has its own female self-consciousness, which is of great encouragement to the life of readers. Through the study of the female characters in the work,every reader has a deeper understanding of the female images.

Key words: female consciousness, religion, human nature, love, resistance