用违反礼貌原则分析《生活大爆炸》的幽默话语【英语论文】 摘要 《生活大爆炸》是一部美国著名的情景喜剧,受到中国观众的喜爱。本文以《生活大爆炸》为研究对象,首先介绍了在利奇的礼貌原则指导下,对幽默的幽默元素进行分析理论。其次,在礼貌原则的6个准则下对片中人物对白的幽默进行了对比分析;最后,得出了结论。 这篇文章将有助于人们对在一些特殊的情况下违反礼貌原则的行为会产生大量的幽默给予更多的关注,能让人们欣赏礼貌原则的应用。 关键词:违反;礼貌原则;情景幽默;《生活大爆炸》 Abstract The Big Bang Theory, as a famous American sitcom, is enormously appealing to Chinese audiences. The study took the American sitcom The Big Bang Theory as the subject. This paper first introduced the theory which the thesis will rely on and analyzed the humor s elements of play under the guidance of Leech’ s Politeness Principle; next it operated a comparative study to the humorous dialogues examples analyzed by the six maxims in the politeness principle; finally it came into conclusion. This thesis will be helpful for people to pay more attention to the violation of politeness principle which can create a great deal of humor in some special conditions. In addition, it can also make people appreciate the application of politeness principle. Key Words:Violation; Politeness Principle; verbal humor; The Big Bang Theory Contents 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 2.1 Background of Politeness Principle 2.2 Leech' s Politeness Principle 3. Previous Studies on Humor 3.1 Definition of humor 3.2 Function of humor 4. Analysis of Verbal Humor from the Perspective of Violation of Politeness Principle 5 4.1. Conversational humor generated by violation of Tact Maxim 6 4.2 Conversational humor generated by violation of Generosity Maxim 7 4.3Conversational humor generated by violation of Approbation Maxim 8 4.4 Conversational humor generated by violation of Modesty Maxim 10 4.5 Conversational humor generated by violation of Agreement Maxim 11 4.6 Conversational humor generated by violation of Sympathy Maxim 5. Conclusion References |