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Terrorism has become the most dangerous threat to the peace and stability of the world. Especially since the terrorist attacks that aimed at innocent people in recent years have made the problem even worse than before. Professors and scholars have made intensive studies on the ideology, organizational structure and influences that caused by terrorism. However, in the background of globalization, the different ways for terrorist organizations to acquire high-tech weapons and their capacity to expand around the world have all changed. Therefore, based on the analysis of the ideologies, organizational structures and influences caused by terrorism, this paper focuses on Al-Qaeda and Islamic State as the main points to analyze and studies the contemporary development of terrorism.
This paper mainly studies the development characteristics of contemporary terrorism from five parts. The first part is a brief analysis of Al-Qaeda's expansion and terrorist attacks and the development of Al-Qaeda in the “post-Osama bin Laden times”. Secondly, it studies the rise, development and impact of Islamic State. Thirdly, it compares the similarities and differences between Islamic State and Al-Qaeda in the organizational structures and ideologies. Fourthly, the dissertation studies the characteristics of terrorism along with its development in the background of globalization. For example, the access to high-tech weapons, the globalization of the criminal organizations, the inclination of younger terrorists and the arbitrariness of the attacked targets. Finally, the countermeasures against terrorism made by international community are introduced briefly.
KEY WORDS: Al-Qeada; Islamic State; the development of terrorism