基于语料库的美国《统一商法典》中情态动词研究 A Corpus-based Study of Modal Verbs in the Uniform Commercial Code of the USA 中文摘要 中美双边贸易逐步增加,中国政府继续深化改革,在经济领域简政放权,在这一背景下研究美国统一商法典(以下简称统一商法典)对我国的经济改革具有重要意义。本文通过与美国法典和美国日常用语语料库Frown的比较,具体研究统一商法典中情态动词的特点。运用Antconc,根据韩礼德的系统功能语法理论对三个文本中情态动词的分布、情态值、否定进行统计和分析。 结果表明,情态动词在三个文本中存在差异,比较发现美国统一商法典中的情态动词主要具有三个特征之间:may的高频率使用,法律情态动词shall的使用率较低,must使用率高。结合统一商法典的立法背景和立法者的法律思想,文章对统一商法典内看似反常的情态动词用法进行了讨论和解释。通过定量分析和定性分析相结合的方式,本研究希望对相关法律翻译带来一定帮助,在进一步加深对统一商法典的理解的同时,也希望对我国的经济法律改革有所启示。 关键词:美国统一商法典,情态动词,语料库 Abstract Since the bilateral trade between the USA and China increase step by step and Chinese government continues to deep the reform and delegate power in the economic field, it is of importance to study the Uniform Commercial Code of the USA (hereinafter referred to as UCC). The thesis specific studies the features of modal verbs in UCC through the comparison with the USC and Frown. With the help of Antconc, the distribution of modal verbs and the modal value of the three texts are counted and analyzed based on the theory of Halliday’s systemic-functional grammar. The results show that there are significant differences between the three texts and the three main features of modal verbs usages of UCC are: the high frequency use of may, the relatively lower use of legal modal verb shall, and the much higher frequency of must. The seemingly contrary usages within UCC are discussed and explained with the background of the legislation and the legal thoughts of the major legislator. With both the quantitative and qualitative analysis combining the examples, the study hopes to give some implications to the related legal translation and further enhance the understanding of UCC. Key words: The Uniform Commercial Code, modal verbs, corpus |