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关键词:家园合作 幼儿 良好行为习惯


The early childhood stage is the initial stage, enlightenment stage and foundation stage for children to receive labor education. The conduct of this research can effectively develop their behavioral habits for young children and lay the foundation for their future all-round development; for parents, he can improve parent-child relationships and understand the importance of cultivating work habits for young children.It liberates parents from the concept of attaching importance to children’s intellectual development; for teachers, teachers can use children’s time in kindergarten to conduct random education to gradually cultivate children’s behavior habits. A person's behavior and habits can usually reflect their personal qualities and moral achievements. Pre-school education is an education for children, which is very important for controlling behavior and habits. The behavioral habits developed in children at this stage will not only accompany the growth of a lifetime, but will even directly affect the growth of the child. Some bad habits formed in early childhood usually lead to irreparable consequences in adulthood. In recent years, great attention has been paid to preschool education. An important task is to establish cooperation between the family and the school to jointly supervise the development of children's behaviors and habits. This article analyzes the importance of family collaboration to develop children's behaviors and habits.

Keywords: home cooperation Young children good behavior habits 


目 录

一、 绪论 4

(一)研究背景及意义 4

(二)研究现状 4

(三)研究目的 4

(四)研究方法 4

二、幼儿良好行为习惯的内涵与表现 5

(一)幼儿良好行为习惯的界定 5

(二)幼儿良好行为习惯形成的规律 5

(三)幼儿良好行为习惯的具体表现 5

三、家园共育促进幼儿习惯养成的具体形式——以X幼儿园为例 5

(一)线下面对面沟通 5

(二)线上联系,利用网络平台 6

四、家园合作对培养幼儿良好行为习惯的困境 6

(一)家庭对幼儿园习惯培养工作缺乏信任 6

(二)习惯教育的内容和方式上未达成共识 6

(三)教师综合素质低,家园合作时效性不强 6

五、家园合作对培养幼儿良好行为习惯的策略 7

(一)让游戏成为习惯培养的有效载体 7

(二)以教师为桥梁更新家长习惯教育理念 7

(三)提高教师家园共育的专业能力 7

结论 7

参考文献 8
