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摘 要​




Games are everywhere in children's daily life. With the promotion of games, children can develop smoothly in cognitive, physical, emotional, social and other aspects, experience pleasure, and grow up in a harmonious and healthy way. Kindergarten games also play an important role in daily life. This paper holds that kindergarten games bear children's culture, and kindergarten games are also carried out from the perspective of children's culture. Children's culture is everywhere in children's lives, and games are a part of children's lives. Therefore, this paper starts from the concept of children's culture and kindergarten games, and makes clear the connotation of them. Secondly, this paper points out the ways and methods of kindergarten games, so that children can learn to play and like games in different ways. Finally, the author puts forward some strategies to improve the use of kindergarten games from the perspective of children's culture, so that kindergarten games can be more perfectly displayed from the perspective of children.


目 录

摘 要​I 2

一、引言 5

(一)选题依据 5

1.儿童文化是幼儿园游戏的核心 5

2.对幼儿园游戏的兴趣 6

(二)研究目的与研究意义 6

1.研究目的 6

2.研究意义 6

(三)文献综述 7

(四)概念界定 7

1.儿童文化 7

2.幼儿园游戏 7

(五)研究方法 7

二、儿童文化与幼儿园游戏的概述 8

(一)儿童文化的概述 8

1.儿童文化的定义 8

2.儿童文化的特点 8

3.儿童文化的发展 9

(二)幼儿园游戏的概述 10

1.幼儿园游戏的定义 10

2.幼儿园游戏的特点 11

(三)儿童文化视野下幼儿园游戏的意义 13

三、儿童文化视野下幼儿园游戏运用的途径 14

(一)教师方面 14

1.做孩子的玩伴 14

2.激发孩子的潜能 14

(二)课程活动方面 15

1.具体课程目标 15

2.选择课程内容 15

3.计划课程实施 16

4.运用课程评价 16

(三)游戏环境方面 16

1.规划游戏环境 16

2.选择多样化的游戏材料 17

四、儿童文化视野下幼儿园游戏运用的方法 17

(一)游戏之于教师是教育 17

1.平行式介入指导法 17

2.因材施教法 18

(二)游戏之于课程是组织 19

1.设计互动游戏法 19

2.设计角色扮演游戏法 19

(三)游戏之于环境是桥梁 20

1.户外游戏法 20

2.室内游戏法 20

五、儿童文化视角下幼儿园游戏运用的提高策略 21

(一)教师方面 21

1.教师应成为懂游戏的老师 21

2.教师应尊重儿童文化独有的行为方式 21

(二)课程方面 22

1.实现游戏与课程相融合 22

2.注重教育资源整合 22

(三)游戏环境方面 23

1.精神环境 23

2.物质环境 23

六、结论 24

参考文献 25

谢 辞 27