浅谈幼儿园小班的问题行为 摘 要 小班幼儿的身心还处在较低级的阶段,由于家庭、幼儿园教育环境及幼儿心理等因素的影响,发现有75%的幼儿或多或少存在着行为问题,会出现一些不恰当的或者令家长及教师烦恼的行为,这些行为对幼儿的健康成长与协调发展都是非常不利的。作为幼儿成长的示范者、领路人,家长和幼儿教师有着不可推卸的责任,作为一名幼儿教师,要选择科学、合理的方法,与家长进行沟通,科学指导家长,在幼儿最喜欢的游戏中科学的指导幼儿的问题行为,也可以让幼儿在游戏中改变自己不恰当的问题行为。本文针对小班幼儿即3—4岁的幼儿所表现出的各种问题行为进行研究,走进幼儿园并走近幼儿,通过观察了解,分析小班幼儿问题行为的影响因素及产生的原因,并提出科学合理的指导策略及方法。 关键词:小班幼儿;问题行为;原因;指导策略 Abstract The small children and is still in the lower level stage,due to the influence of family and kindergarten education environment and children's psychological factors,found that 75% of the children's behavior problems exist, there will be some inappropriate or the parents and teachers worry behavior, the behavior of children's healthy growth and harmonious development of all is very bad. As the infant growth model, the leader,parents and teachers have an unshirkable responsibility,as a kindergarten teacher, choose scientific and reasonable and scientific guidance to communicate with parents, parents, children's behavior problems in science and love in the game can also guide the children, let the children change their behavior inappropriate in the game. Study on the behavior problems of small children 3 - 4 years old children were shown in this paper, went to the kindergarten and approached the children,through the observation of understanding,analysis of the factors influencing the behavior of small children and the causes, and puts forward the guiding strategies and methods of scientific and rational. Key words: small class children; problem behavior; cause; guidance strategy |