摘要:在幼儿园实习观察发现,幼儿同伴之间发生冲突时有发生。教师是及时介入,还是给幼儿们尝试自己协调解决的机会,这个问题引发了我的研究兴趣。查阅相关理论资料发现,大多教育学者倾向于支持给与幼儿自主尝试协调的机会,这也是如今的教育理念所提倡的,然而幼儿的能力毕竟有限,再加上他们本身在该阶段缺乏丰富的社会经验,仅凭自己很难解决问题。因此,当幼儿难以自己解决冲突时,教师们有策略的介入幼儿同伴冲突是十分有必要的。 关键词:幼儿;同伴冲突;教师介入策略 A Study on Teachers' Strategies of Interference with Children's Peer Conflict Abstract: kindergarten practice found that conflicts between children's peers occur from time to time. Whether teachers intervene in time or give children the opportunity to try to solve their own problems has aroused my interest in research. Looking at relevant theoretical data,it is found that most educational scholars tend to support giving children the opportunity to try and coordinate independently, which is also advocated by today's educational philosophy, but children's abilities are limited after all. Coupled with their lack of social experience at thisstage, it is difficult to solve problems on their own. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers to intervene in peer conflict when children are difficult to solve conflicts themselves. This paper mainly studies the current situation of teachers' intervention in children's peer conflict through questionnaire survey,and puts forward the strategies ofteachers' intervention in children's peer conflict from three angles: grasping the opportunity of intervention, choosing the way of intervention, and paying attention to the attitude and emotion of teachers' intervention. It is hoped that the research results of this paper will help preschool teachers to solve peer conflicts in educational activities. Key words: young children; peer conflict; teacher intervention strategies |