摘 要:自1978年我国实行改革开放政策以来,社会经济发展迅速,同时带动建筑业飞速发展。但我国传统建筑业粗放的发展模式造成了极大的资源浪费和环境污染,这与我国近些年大力提倡的可持续发展战略相违背。建筑节能在促进能源节约与提高能源利用效率,促进我国传统建筑业转型方面作用突出,其社会关注度也越来越高。
关键词:建筑节能 政府主导 市场作用
On the Development of Building Energy Saving and Government Behavior in China
Abstract: since 1978, China's reform and opening up policy,social and economic development has been rapid, while driving the rapid development of the construction industry. However, the extensive development mode of traditional construction industry in China has caused great waste of resources and environmental pollution,which is contrary to the sustainable development strategy advocated by our country in recent years. Building energy saving plays an important role in promoting energy conservation, improving energy utilization efficiency and promoting the transformation of traditional construction industry in China.
In order to promote the development of building energy conservation in China,we must recognize the role of the government in the development of building energy conservation. The first chapter mainly introduces the meaning and development course of building energy saving, analyzes the present situation of building energy consumption in China,and points out the positive significance of building energy saving to the social development of our country. The second chapter mainly introduces the concrete measures of our government in the research of building energy saving technology,the formulation of standards and the promulgation of relevant laws and regulations. This paper enumerates the obstacles of our government in promoting thedevelopment of architecture, and analyzes the causes of the obstacles. The fourth chapter mainly introduces the government intervention,market failure and government failure in the field of building energy saving. Combined with these, it provides some suggestions for our government to change the direction of building energy saving development. The fourth chapter mainly combines the advanced experience of foreign and domestic provinces and cities in the development of building energy conservation,and puts forward relevant measures to improve the level of building energy conservation in China.
The government plays a leading role in the development of building energy conservation, which is the conclusion of this paper. But the government is not omnipotent in the field of building energysaving, and needs to pay attention to the positive role of the market. We should not abandon any party, take into account both sides at the same time,and make the government and the market play a positive role in building energy conservation.
Key words: building energy conservation Government ownership marketing mix
第一章 引 言 h 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 国内外建筑节能发展状况 1
1.3 研究重点和论文框架 2
第二章 建筑节能概述 3
2.1 建筑节能的概念与发展 3
2.2 我国建筑能耗的现状分析 3
2.3 建筑节能发展的意义 4
2.3.1 建筑节能促进社会可持续发展 4
2.3.2 建筑节能促进中国经济社会发展 5
第三章 建筑节能中政府作用与问题 5
3.1 建筑节能中政府措施 5
3.1.1标准与新技术 5
3.1.2 建筑节能法律法规 6
3.2 建筑节能发展的阻碍 6
3.3 问题原因分析 7
3.3.1 对市场的认知不足 7
2.3.2缺乏激励与强制并重的政策 8
第四章 影响建筑节能的因素 8
4.1 政府干预与市场失灵 8
4.2 政府失灵 8
4.3 政府在建筑节能中的现实问题 9
4.4 当前政府的重点改变方向 9
4.4.1 加强市场经济法制建设,创建市场经济新秩序 9
4.4.2 尊重市场本身作用,政府干预要做到有的放矢 10
第五章 提高建筑节能工作的相关建议 10
5.1 国外建筑节能政策的经验与启示 10
5.1.1 借鉴美国政府做法,助力建筑节能推广 10
5.1.2借鉴日本政府做法,以各种措施鼓励节能 11
5.2 加大国内试点推广,加强节能示范作用 11
5.3 加强我国节能建筑发展的建议 12
5.3.1 重视建筑围护结构节能 12
5.3.2 强化节能监督管理制度 12
5.3.3 节能工作要实事求是,因地制宜 12
结 论 13