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摘 要








After Rural Revitalization was put forward as a nationalpolicy, the whole country attaches great importance to it. Rural environmental governance is an important part of it.Local governments at all levels have issued corresponding policies,but the specific situation of rural areas in different regions is different. Some rural industrial economy is developed,and the main environmental pollution is caused by industrial waste and domestic waste;some rural industrial economy is relatively weak, and the main environmental pollution is simply domestic waste pollution; some rural tourism resources are rich, but they have not been effectively developed with high quality, and they still develop economy at the cost of destroying the environment. It is urgent to deal with the contradiction between the rural residents' demand for a better environment and the general dirty and poor rural environment.

In order to solve this problem,this paper based on the author's four years of working experience as a civil servant and village cadre in F Town, four months of working experience as a deputy in charge in D Town, the contact and understanding of the villagers, the understanding of township cadres and the work of the superior government, and the research on the rural environmental governance process.

The first is to collect the difficulties and suggestions in the rural environmentalgovernance of F town through the interview questionnaire,taking the government staff, village cadres, sanitation workers and villagers of F town as the survey objects. The villagers are divided into three categories: the old,the middle-aged and the young,and then subdivided according to their educational background to understand the participation and suggestions of the masses in rural environmental governance. As a deputy in charge of D Town, due to the change of identity,the interview questionnaire was more convenient and more detailed first-hand information was obtained.

Second, through the research and analysis of domestic and foreign literature on rural environmental governance,focusing on the model of environmental governance, the government role of environmental governance,environmental governance mechanism and legal system, the problems,causes and Countermeasures of environmental governance,learning from the successful experience at home and abroad, focusing on the transformation of governance model from single government to diversified governance in Europe and other developed countries And innovative new environmental governance concepts and innovative environmental governance technologies. Then through the analysis of the policy documents of rural environmental governance inZhejiang Province, Wenzhou City,C County and the working account of rural environmental governance in F Town, we can better study and explore rural environmental governance.

This paper deeply studies the common problems that rural environmental governance can not be smoothly promoted,involving government policy governance level, assessment methods, enterprise participation enthusiasm,people's awareness of environmental protection, people's satisfaction and other aspects,and then analyzes the difficulties existing in rural environmental governance,and puts forward some suggestions to solve them, so as to point out the development road for rural environmental governance in F Town, and at the same time to provide reference for the national rural environmental governance This paper provides a reference for the common problems of.

Key Words:Rural Revitalization ;government ; environmental governance;

目 录

I摘 要


IV目 录

11 引 言

11.1 选题背景与意义

11.1.1 选题背景

11.1.2 研究意义



31.2 研究内容和方法

31.2.1 研究内容

41.2.2 研究方法

41.3 主要创新与不足

52 理论回顾与文献综述

52.1 相关概念与理论概述


2.1.1 乡村振兴战略


2.1.2 F镇垃圾治理体系

62.1.3 “千村示范、万村整治”工程


62.2.1 国内研究综述

82.2.2 国外研究综述

102.2.3 评述

103 乡村振兴背景下浙江温州实施乡村环境精准治理的必要性

103.1 加强乡村环境治理是乡村振兴的应有之义

113.2 生产生活垃圾的激增将乡村垃圾精准治理提上日程

133.3 广大农村居民对美好卫生环境的追求日益提升

154 浙江温州市F镇乡村环境基本现状

154.1 温州市F镇概况

154.2 温州市F镇农村环境现状

164.3 近年来温州F镇环境治理的主要举措及成效

175 当前浙江温州F镇乡村环境精准治理存在的主要困境及原因

175.1 当前温州F镇乡村环境精准治理的存在的主要困境


5.1.1 群众分类投放不标准,参与意识不高


5.1.2 政府垃圾分类处理不彻底、不规范


5.1.3 存在应付检查的形式主义


5.1.4 企业违法污染环境现象仍然存在

205.2 造成困境的主要原因


5.2.1 现有政绩考核制度约束


5.2.2 地方政府财政资金约束


5.2.3 设备运维、人工、运输成本高


5.2.4 决策层与地方政府缺乏沟通机制


5.2.5 服务供给主体单一

306 国内外环境治理的主要经验及启示

306.1 国外环境治理成功经验及启示


6.1.1 德国环境治理成功经验及启示


6.1.2 日本环境治理成功经验及启示

326.2 国内环境治理成功经验及启示

326.2.1 浙江省环境治理成功经验及启示


337.1 完善环境治理机制,实现乡村环境精准治理

347.2 加大地方财政对乡村环境治理投入

357.3 引导公众、企业积极参与环境治理,形成多方共治模式

357.4 加大对违法违规企业及随意丢弃垃圾的惩处力度

378 结论

378.1 总结与不足
