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ABSTRACT:Xinyang's Little Mao Jian is also known as the "King of Green Tea".Based on the theory of agricultural industrialization development in our country,tea processing industrialization theory,brand strategy planning theory and SWOTCLPV culture theory as the foundation,through long-term visit and field survey, draw lessons from the domestic and foreign related research results, xinyang maojian tea producing problem of the basic condition of the rapid development of tea industry in China in detail and in-depth research and analysis. Xingyang maojian tea industrialization in order to fully understanding the status quo and the development of its external environment,this paper will be the 2019 major tea industry development at home and abroad,and to choose some important representative of large leaf tea as a national key development model analysis of the industrialization of tea plant,clear xingyang maojian tea industry the development of the external environment, and the integrated use of the S The theoretical analysis and principle application of WoT model were used to accurately identify the four major strengths, opportunity, weakness and threats of rapid development of tea industrialization in Xinyang, Shandong Maojian area.

KEY WORDS: Xinyang Maojian tea; Industrialization; SWOT analysis;


目 录

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

1.研究背景 1

2.研究意义 1

(二)研究内容和研究方法 1

1.研究内容 1

2.研究方法 1

(三)文献综述 2

1.国外关于茶产业的研究 2

2.国内关于茶产业的研究 2

3.研究评述 3

二、研究理论支撑 3

(一)农业产业化理论 3

(二)茶叶产业化理论 4

1.茶叶产业化的内涵 4

2.茶叶产业化的组织模式 4

3.品牌战略理论 5

三、国际和国内茶产业发展现状 5

(一)国际茶产业发展现计状 5

(二)国内茶产业发展现状 6

(三)龙潭公司茶产业基本情况 7

四、龙潭公司茶产业发展面临的挑战 8

(一)龙潭公司茶产业发展环境分析 8

1.龙潭公司茶业发展的内部条件 8

2.龙潭公司茶业发展的外部环境 9

五、龙潭公司茶产业发展的进阶之路 9

(一)龙潭公司茶叶产业化发展的战略选择 9

1.多元化战略分析 9

2.差异化战略选择 10

3.茶产业合作战略 10

4,茶产业链延伸战略 11

(二)龙潭公司茶叶产业化发展的路径 11

1.促进原有龙头企业扩张升级 11

2.提升茶叶加工技术,提高茶叶品质等级 12

六、结语 13

参考文献 14

致谢 16