浅论莫泊桑中短篇小说中的妓女形象 摘要:莫泊桑是19世纪后半叶法国著名作家,被誉为“世界短篇小说之王”。他笔下塑造了不计其数活灵活现的人物形象,涉及到社会的各个阶层,妓女这一特殊的社会群体也自然成为了莫泊桑笔下的素材,他以平常理智超越世俗的眼光看待妓女。笔者将莫泊桑中短篇小说中的妓女分为苦难型、爱国型、自甘堕落型三类。不同类型的妓女,善恶有别,颠覆了传统对妓女低贱浪荡的观念。通过对这三类妓女形象的分析,深入挖掘其悲剧根源,进而对法国不良社会现象进行反思和批判。 关键字:莫泊桑;妓女形象;悲剧根源 Abstract:Maupassant, a French-critical realist in the first half of the 19th century,is known as a "the king of the world's short",He has portrayed countless vivid characters,involving all classes of society, and the special social group of prostitutes has naturally become the material of Maupassant's works,He looked at prostitutes with ordinary reason and beyond worldly eyes.This paper will analyze three types of prostitute images in Maupassant's works: suffering type, patriotic type and self indulgent type. Different types of prostitutes have different good and evil,which subverts the traditional concept of prostitute's lowly and dissolute. By analyzing the images of these three types of prostitutes,we can dig out the root of their tragedy, and then reflect and criticize the bad social phenomenon in France. Key words:Maupassant;Prostitute image;The root of tragedy |