伪劣商品犯罪案件侦查难点及侦查对策研究 摘 要 :随着我国社会经济的发展,经济犯罪行为呈现高发态势, 其中生产、销售伪劣商品犯罪案件有别于其他类型经济犯罪案件, 由于其所涉及的犯罪对象与人民群众的生产生活息息相关, 此类案件频发不仅破坏经济秩序, 更严重地危害社会秩序、危害人民群众的身体健康,影响社会稳定。 因此,在实际办案中如何把握此类犯罪案件的侦查难点及对策, 成为维护社会主义市场经济繁荣发展与社会稳定亟待解决的问题。 本次研究从伪劣商品犯罪的特点出发,分析公安机关侦办伪劣商品犯罪的难点, 并提出相对应的侦查对策, 帮助有关部门实现最终实现市场假冒伪劣商品的有效治理。 关键词:伪劣商品犯罪案件; 侦查难点; 侦查对策 Research on the Difficulties and Countermeasures of Detection and Prevention of Fake and Inferior Commodities Cases Abstract: With the development of my country’s society and economy, economic crimes are showing a trend of high incidence. Among them, crimes of producing and selling counterfeit and inferior goods are different from other types of economic crimes. Because the criminal objects involved are closely related to the production and life of the people, such cases Frequent occurrences not only disrupt economic order, but also endanger social order, endanger the health of the people, and affect social stability. Therefore, how to grasp the investigation difficulties and countermeasures of such criminal cases in actual case handling has become an urgent problem to be solved in maintaining the prosperity and development of the socialist market economy and social stability. Starting from the characteristics of counterfeit and shoddy commodity crimes, this research analyzes the difficulties of public security organs in investigating and handling counterfeit and shoddy commodity crimes, and proposes corresponding detection and prevention countermeasures to help relevant departments realize the ultimate effective management of counterfeit and shoddy commodities in the market. Keywords: Cases of counterfeit and inferior goods; difficulties in investigation; countermeasures for investigation and prevention 目录 引言 1 一、 伪劣商品犯罪的概述 1 (一)伪劣商品的概念 1 (二)伪劣商品犯罪的概念 1 (三)伪劣商品犯罪的危害 1 二、伪劣商品犯罪的特点 2 (一)跨地区、团伙作案突出 2 (二)网络渠道化、波及面广 2 (三)一案多罪情况明显 3 (四)“地方保护”严重 3 三、侦办伪劣商品犯罪案件的难点 4 (一)涉案地域广,管辖确定难 4 (二)商品种类多,认知鉴定难 5 (三)销售渠道广,案件取证难 5 (四)涉及源头多,链条摧毁难 6 四、伪劣商品犯罪案件的侦查对策 6 (一)完善相关法律法规 6 (二)提高侦查民警的专业素质 7 (三)加强情报导侦作用 7 (四)加强合成作战 9 总结 9 参考文献 10 |