季节性因素对儿童呼吸道疾病以及布地奈德用量的影响 摘 要 研究季节性因素对儿童呼吸道疾病以及布地奈德用量的影响。同时根据某儿童专科医院糖皮质激素雾化用药布地奈德用量来研究季节对儿童呼吸道疾病以及临床糖皮质激素用量的影响。方法:统计2018年-2020年三年间该医院20间呼吸内科就诊人次,统计出支气管哮喘、毛细支气管炎、咳嗽变异性哮喘患者总人数,采用了SPSS求出疾病和雾化率在不同的季节是否存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。显示支气管哮喘P=0.015<0.05,毛细支气管炎P=0.047<0.05,咳嗽变异性哮喘P=0.009<0.05,平均雾化率P=0.049<0.05结果都为在不同季节有显著差异。 关键词:季节;儿童呼吸道疾病;布地奈德 Influence of seasonal factors on children's respiratory diseases and budesonide dosage Abstract: Objective to study the influence of seasonal factors onchildren's respiratory diseases and budesonide dosage. At the same time, according to the dosage of budesonide in a children's hospital to study the influence of season on children's respiratory diseases and clinical glucocorticoid dosage. Methods: the total number of patients with bronchial asthma,bronchiolitis and cough variant asthma in 20 respiratory departments of the hospital from 2018 to 2020 was counted. SPSS was used to find out whether there were significant differences in disease and atomization rate in different seasons (P < 0.05).The results showed that bronchial asthma P = 0.015 < 0.05, bronchiolitis P = 0.047 < 0.05, cough variant asthma P = 0.009 < 0.05, average atomization rate P = 0.049 < 0.05, the results showed that there were significant differences in different seasons.
Key words: season; children respiratory disease; budesonide 目 录 摘 要 4 绪 论 6 第1章 资料与方法 9 1.1 一般资料 9 1.2 方法 9 1.2.1 划分年龄阶段 9 1.2.2 划分病程长度 10 1.2.3 疾病类型选取 10 1.2.4 计算方法 10 1.3 统计方法 10 第2章 结果 10 2.1 季节性差异 10 2.1.1 支气管哮喘 10 2.1.2 毛细支气管炎 11 2.1.3 咳嗽变异性哮喘 12 2.2 2018年-2020年三年间雾化率及对比 13 第3章 讨论 14 3.1 支气管哮喘数据讨论 15 3.2 毛细支气管炎数据讨论 15 3.3 咳嗽变异性哮喘数据讨论 15 3.4 2018年-2020年四季平均雾化率讨论 16 3.5 雾化治疗讨论 16 参考文献 17 |