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关键词:多丽丝·莱辛,《金色笔记》, 多重叙事结构, 多重叙事主题


The Golden Notebook is one of Doris Lessing’s greatest novels and shows thementality and the struggle for emancipation of the heroine called Anna Wulf. Since its publication in 1962 ,this novel has never failed to attract much attention and triggered a lot of debates in literary circles. In 2007, Lessing won the Nobel Prize for Literature by virtue of The Golden Notebook, which made more and more people show much attention to and study this novel.

This thesis tries to analyze its multiple narratives critically from a particular standpoint.It consists of two main parts: multiple narrative structures and multiple narrative themes.Specifically, in terms of multiple narrative structures,this thesis studies the net structure, the montage and collage structure and the metafictional structure.As for the multiple narrative themes,this thesis concentrates on the struggle for freedom, a harmonious world and the ecological consciousness.

The essence of The Golden Notebook is the perfect unity of the multiple narrative structures and themes, which deserves our careful analysis and appreciation. The analysis of the multiple narratives of this novel would deepen readers’ understanding of the world in the 1950s. Besides , it would help readers to grasp what Lessing wanted to convey in this novel.Finally, it would contribute a lot to enlighten readers in writings.

Key words: Doris Lessing, The Golden Notebook,multiple narrative structures, multiple narrative themes