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A Study on the Application of Vague Language in Business Refusal Letters from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory

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A Study on the Application of Vague Language in Business Refusal Letters from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory

摘 要




The proper use of vague language in business refusalletters can increase the flexibility of expression. According to the adaptation theory,language is constantly selected in the use of language, so vague language is closely related to the adaptation theory. In this paper, the author focuses on the perspective of Belgian scientists Jef Verschueren’s adaptation theory as the framework of pragmatics,vague language as the main body,then adopts the method of integrating theory with practice to explore the realization forms of vague language and employment situations in the business refusal letters. The author strongly believes that the present study can provide guidance and reference for business people, business refusal letter teaching as well as learners of vague language.

Keywords:Adaptation Theory; Vague Language; Business Refusal Letters