解读《巨人的陨落》中比利威廉姆斯的人物形象 摘 要 英国作家肯·福莱特著作的《巨人的陨落》,是一部以第一次世界大战为背景的历史小说。在第一次世界大战中,每个人在面对死亡的困境时都在顽强生长-思想独立、宽容善良的比利·威廉姆斯,身份显赫、性格傲慢的菲茨赫伯特,热衷女权运动、宣扬自由平等思想的茉黛,思想开朗、机智勇敢、爱好和平的沃尔特,聪明能干、年轻貌美的艾瑟尔,向往自由和平、努力工作的格雷戈里,聪明仗义、沉着冷静的格斯……他们每个人都在为了理想、自由、民主、平等、和平奋斗着。尤其是威尔士矿工少年比利这个人物让我为之震撼。 本文首先简单介绍了一下《巨人的陨落》的概况、作者、然后介绍了它的创作背景、写作背景、之后介绍了比利·威廉姆斯的性格特点,点明他是一个什么样的人,最后说明了写作技巧、叙事技巧以及指明他们是这个时代风云中的勇敢的心。 本文写了“大”背景与“小”人物的交集、冲撞,比利敢于拼搏、顽强生长、真诚善良、沉着冷静的精神,在这样一个时代难道不应该值得我们敬佩吗? 关键词:创作背景;写作技巧;《巨人的陨落》;上帝的比利;时代风云中的勇敢的心 ABSTRACT The Fall of the Giant, written by British writer Ken Fulet,is a historical novel with the background of World War I. In the First World War, everyone grew tenaciously in the face of the plight of death-independent, tolerant and kind Billy Williams, the distinguished, arrogant Fitzherbert,the feminist movement, the propaganda of the idea of freedom and equality, cheerful,resourceful and brave, peace-loving Walter, smart and capable,young and beautiful Ethel, the yearning for freedom and peace, the hard work of Gregory, smart and calm Gus...Each of them is striving for ideals, freedom, democracy, equality and peace.Especially the Welsh miner's boy Billy. This paper first briefly introduces the general situation of "the fall of the giant ",the author, then introduces its creative background, writing background,then introduces the character characteristics of Billy Williams,points out what kind of person he is, and finally explains the writing skills, narrative skills and the courage of indicating that they are in this era. This article wrote the "big" background and "small" characters of the intersection, collision, Billy dare to fight, tenacious growth, sincere and kind,calm and calm spirit, in such an era should not be worthy of our admiration? Key words: background; writing skills;the fall of giants; billy of god; the brave heart of the times Contents Abstract in Chinese I Abstract II Introduction 1 1.Literature Review 7 1.1 About the Author 7 1.2 Overall Evaluation of the Fall of the Giant 7 2.The Background 10 2.1 Writing Background 10 2.2 What is the Fall of Giants 11 2.3 Extremely Grand of the Story 12 3.Billy and Times 13 3.1 Billy Williams’Character Introduction 13 3.1,1 What Kind of Man is Billy 13 3.1.2 Billy God 14 3.2 Progress Rather Than Fall 16 3.3 "Big" Background and "Small" Characters Jointly Deduce a Song of The Times 17 4.Techniques 20 4.1 Writing Techniques .20 4.2 Narration techniques 21 Conclusion 23 Bibliography 25 |