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An Interpretation of The Great Gatsby from the Perspective of Consumer Society Theory

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An Interpretation of The Great Gatsby from the Perspective of Consumer Society Theory



关键词:《了不起的盖茨比》; 消费社会理论; 符号消费;享乐主义


Francis Scott Fitzgerald is one of the most outstanding writers in the history of American literature in the 20th century. To a certain extent, his novel, The Great Gatsby,truly reflects the American social situation in which consumerism prevailed in the 1920s. Most domestic and foreign scholars' researches on the novel are limited to the conventional perspectives of literary works, such as narrative techniques, literary style, themes, etc. A few scholars analyze The Great Gatsby from the perspective of consumerism.However, there are very few interpretations on thisnovel from the perspective of Consumer Society Theory. Therefore, it is necessary to reinterpret this excellent novel fromthis aspect, and it is also of great practical significance.
This thesis takes Baudrillard’s Consumer Society Theory as the core framework of thestudy theory to analyze the characters and plots in it,using its core concepts of sign consumption and its reasonable deductions (commoditized human relations and hedonism) as the specific entry point with The Great Gatsby as the interpretation materials. This thesis can draw the following conclusions: In a consumer society, people lose themselves in the excessive pursuit of sign consumption, and gradually become puppets of consumption and sign value. The sign value of a person becomes an important factor in judging whether the person is successful. As a result, the relationship between people has become more commoditized,and people's spiritual worlds have gradually been corroded by this sign consumption, consequently causing a huge imbalance between their spiritual worlds and the material worlds. This article aims to remind people who are being poisoned by consumerism throughthis reinterpretation: in a consumer society,we should pay more attention to rational consumption and the balance between the spiritual world and the material world.

Key words: The Great Gatsby; Consumer Society Theory; Sign Consumption; Hedonism