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With the economic and trade development of Sino-US,business negotiations between the two sides have become more frequent. In the process of Sino-US business negotiations, cultural differences play a very important role.Especially the difference in values between the two parties is one of the decisive factors that affect the negotiations between the two parties. This thesis will first give a general introduction to cultural values and business negotiations, and then discuss the differences in cultural values for Sino-US business negotiations (including negotiation style, organization, process,result and strategy) from five aspects: individualism and collectivism,superior relations, attitudes towards interpersonal relations and conflicts, and time concepts.

Key words : Cluture Value; Sino-US Business Negotiation; Impact


1.Introduction 1

2.Literature Review 2

2.1 The concept of cultural values 2

2.2 The concept of business egotiation 3

2.3 Overview of relationships between cultural value and business negotiation 4

3.Differences in Sino-US Cultural Values 4

3.1 Individualism-Collectivism 4

3.2 Leader-member relationship 5

3.3 Attitudes to interpersonal relationship 6

3.4 Attitudes to conflict 6

3.5 Time perception 6

4.The impact of Cultural Values on Sino-US Business Negotiation 7

4.1 Negotiation style 8

4.2 Negotiation organization 8

4.3 Negotiation process 9

4.4 Negotiation result 10

4.5 Negotiation strategy 11

5.Strategies in Promoting Sino-US Business Negotiation 11

5.1 Facing up to Sino-US cultural differences 12

5.2 Establishing cross-cultural negotiation awareness 12

6.Conclusion 12

References 14