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The Narrative Art of a Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

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The Narrative Art of a Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man


《一个青年艺术家的画像》的很多细节取材于乔伊斯的早期生活,小说主人公斯蒂芬·迪达勒斯(Stephan Dedalus)与乔伊斯有很多相似之处。小说除了继承传统的现实主义外,还通过运用内心独白、联想等象征手法来表现主人公内心错综复杂的意识活动这部自传体小说塑造了一个从幼稚的童年到较为成熟的青年艺术家形象,表达了一个飞离的主题。乔伊斯用儿童语体、少年语体、成年语体描写了斯蒂芬的不同人生阶段的经历,用内聚焦叙述、外聚焦叙述、内外聚焦结合叙述、精神顿悟和意识流手法展示了斯蒂芬的内心情感和思想意识。



As a bildungsroman, Joyce's a Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man deeply describes the psychological growth process of young artist Stephen from his infancy to his maturity. a Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is one of the most profound stories in the 20th century.
Many details of a Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man are drawn from Joyce's early life.The protagonist Stephen Dedalus has many similarities with Joyce.The novel not only inherits the traditional realism,but also expresses the complicated inner consciousness of the protagonist by using the symbolism such as inner monologue and association.This autobiographical novel creates an image of young artists from childhood to maturity, and expresses the theme of flying away. Joyce describes Stephen's experiences in different stages of his life in children's style, juvenile style and adult style,and shows Stephen's inner feelings andideology by means of inner focus narration, external focus narration, combination of internal and external focus, spiritual epiphany and stream of consciousness.

Key Words: a Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man ;children's style; juvenilestyle; inner focus ; external focus ; epiphany