Review of the Processing of Formulaic Sequences 【中文摘要】 程式语加工是近年来心理语言学研究的热点问题之一。本文通过系统回顾近20年国内外程式语加工研究后发现,国外程式语加工已处于深入研究阶段,而国内目前仍处于初步研究阶段。国内外研究内容主要包括对程式语加工整体效应的研究以及对程式语加工影响因素的研究。然而,由于程式语的术语繁多,界定不一,不同研究之间的可比性并不强。此外,以往研究主要集中于对习语加工的探讨,研究的范围过于狭窄,内容有待丰富。后续研究应利用多样化的研究方法开展对各类程式语的探索,深入挖掘影响程式语加工的因素,加大对外语学习者程式语加工的研究,推进二语习得的发展与二语教学的创新。 【关键词】程式语、整体效应、影响因素、外语学习者 【外文摘要】 The processing of formulaic sequences is one of the hot issues in psycholinguistic studies in recent years. After the systematical review on the processing of formulaic sequences for nearly 20 years at homeand abroad, the current study finds that the processing of formulaic sequences at abroad has beenin a stage of in-depth research, while presently the research at home is still in an initial stage. The research mainly rivets its attention on the holistic representation and processing hypothesis of formulaic sequences, as well as the factors affecting the processing of them. However, due to the mixed terms and definitions of formulaicsequences adopted by researchers, studies are not comparable. Additionally, the scope of the research on the processing of formulaic sequences is too narrow, which mainly focuses on the discussion of idiom processing. Therefore, the follow-up studies should make use of various experimental paradigms to carry out the research on all kinds of formulaic sequences,explore more crucial factors affecting the processing of formulaic sequences and scale up the processing of formulaic sequences to EFL learners to promote the development of second language acquisition and innovation of second language teaching methods. 【关键词】formulaic sequences,holistic representation and processing hypothesis, influencing factors, EFL learners |
Review of the Processing of Formulaic Sequences