早期教育对婴幼儿动作发展的影响 摘 要 21世纪被称作“儿童世纪”,在社会与科学不断向前发展的同时,人们愈发清楚地意识到了早期教育对人类的婴幼儿时期乃至一生的巨大作用,早期教育在我国越来越得以重视。0-3岁的婴幼儿正处在整个成长过程中发展发育最快的年龄阶段,0-3岁也是个体一生发展的关键时期,在这一年龄段的婴幼儿,对其进行初步的动作训练对今后的一切发展都起着重要的作用。因此,正确的婴幼儿早期教育对于婴幼儿动作的发展极为重要。本文主要从早期教育、婴幼儿动作发展、早期教育对婴幼儿动作发展的影响、建议四个方面进行阐述。 关键词:早期教育;婴幼儿;动作发展;影响 Abstract The 21st century is known as the "children's century".With the continuous development of society and science,people are more and more aware of the great role of early education in human infancy and even in life. Early education is being paid more and more attention in China.0-3 years old infants are in the whole growth process development of the fastest age stage,0-3 years old is also the key period of individual life development,in this age group of infants, the initial movement training for all the future development plays an important role. Therefore, the correct infant early education is very important for the development of infant movement. This article mainly from the early education, infant movement development,early education on infant movement development of the influence of four aspects, suggestions.
Key words: early education; Infants and young children; Motor development; impact 目录 摘 要 1 Abstract 1 一、引言 2 (一)选题缘由 2 (二)国内外研究现状 2 (三)研究价值 3 1.理论价值 3 2.实践价值 3 二、早期教育 3 (一)概述 3 (二)意义 4 三、婴幼儿动作发展 4 (一)婴幼儿动作发展的顺序及其特点 4 (二)婴幼儿动作发展的意义 6 1.大动作发展的意义 6 2.精细动作发展的意义 6 四、早期教育对婴幼儿动作发展的影响 7 (一)促进婴幼儿动作发展 7 1.促进反射动作的发展 7 2.促进大动作的发展 7 3.促进精细动作的发展 8 (二)不良的早期教育妨碍婴幼儿动作发展 8 1.缺乏科学性 8 2.限制较多,影响儿童动作正常发展 9 3.动作教育“单一” 9 4.不遵循身体发展规律 9 五、建议 9 结 语 10 参考文献 11 致 谢 12 |