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Abstract: Early childhood is the main period of children's ability development in all aspects,in this period parents will face a series of problems children appear, these problems make parents have a headache. Especially in children 2 to 3 years old this period,very many parents have found that is this period of children especially naughty, not obedient. And always like to do things against their parents,always put the word "no" in the mouth, not to let him do, he is going to do, they do not know the danger. We are all caught off guard by this new parent.We try to find a solution to the problem as soon aspossible and want to know what is causing it.

Key words: Children; The first period of resistance;Early education; Characteristic; Countermeasures;



摘要 1

关键词 1

一、引言 1

(一)选题缘由 1

(二)国内外研究现状 2

(三)研究价值 2

二、第一反抗期的概念 3

三、第一反抗期的特点 3

(一)喜欢模仿 3

(二)喜欢说“不” 4

(三)自主意识强烈 4

(四)活动能力快速发展 5

四、幼儿第一反抗期应遵循的原则 5

(一)自主性原则 5

(二)操作性原则 5

(三)科学性原则 6

(四)融合性原则 6

五、幼儿第一反抗期的教育对策 6

(一)给孩子定的空间 6

(二)给孩子适度的“爱” 6

(三)运用游戏发展孩子的独立性和自主性 7

(四)学会与孩子沟通 7

(五)鼓励引导、正面教育 7

(六)转移注意力 8

(七)营造良好的生长环境,为孩子树立良好的榜样 8

结束语 9

参考文献 10

致谢 11