中国信访制度功能的转化与完善 摘要:中国共产党根据群众路线创立了信访制度,该制度是一项具有中国特色的政治参与和权利救济功能的制度,与我国的宪法制度及与其他法律体系相适应,在当前中国社会转型期,对于处理社会矛盾,解决社会冲突具有重要意义。在党的十九届四中全会上,“畅通和规范群众诉求,表达利益协调权益保障通道,完善信访制度。”被明确提出。拓宽社情民情表达渠道,健全信访工作责任制,建立全国信访信息系统,搭建多种形式的沟通平台,把群众利益诉求纳入制度化轨道,有效发挥信访制度信息传递与权力监督功能,对防止人民内部矛盾转变为不利于社会和谐稳定的因素具有重要意义。完善信访制度功能能够满足于当今利益分化的时代背景下通过公民参政议政实现利益追求的愿望,同时有利于促进中国特色的法律体系的健全完善,还能实现公民通过对公共权力的监督从而实现国家治理的目标。通过研究信访问题,探讨完善具有中国特色的信访制度的有效途径,促进公民的政治参与,为推动信访制度的改革与完善继而提高我国国家治理的水平提供一些借鉴。 关键词:信访 信访功能 功能转化 信访制度完善 Analysis on the Implementation Countermeasure of Rural Micro-credit Precision Poverty Alleviation Policy Abstract:The petition system is a political participation and rights education relief system with Chinese characteristics established by the Communist Party of China according to the mass line. It conforms to the traditional Chinese legal culture, embedded with the constitutional system arrangement with Chinese characteristics, and ADAPTS to the practical requirements of resolving social contradictions in the social transformation period of China. In recent years, although the total number of letters and visits has declined, the situation of social conflicts in recent years through the window of the letters and visits work shows that the total number of letters and visits has not changed fundamentally. At the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, it was proposed to "unblock and regulate people's demands, express their interests, coordinate the protection of their rights and interests, and improve the petition system." Widen the channel of the public mood expression and improve the reporting system, set up the national reporting information system, set up various forms of communication platform, the public interests appeals into the orbit institutionalization, effective play a complaint reporting system of information transmission and power supervision function, to prevent the contradictions among the people into not conducive to social harmony and stability factor is of great significance. The perfection of the function of the petition system can not only satisfy the desire of citizens to participate in the discussion of state affairs, but also help to promote the democratization and scientization of legislation, and can realize the supervision of public power by citizens. Through the research on the issue of letters and visits, this paper discusses the effective ways to improve the system of letters and visits with Chinese characteristics and promote the political participation of citizens, in the hope of providing a useful reference for the Party and the government to promote the reform of the system of letters and visits and improve the level of social governance. Keywords: Petition Letter;Petition Function;Function Transformation;Function Maturation |