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关键词:地方政府 公共危机 大数据技术
In recent years, public crisis incidents have occurred in China. Public crisis events often occur quickly and are severely damaged, which can easily cause social panic and hinder the overall sustainable development of the economy. As the cornerstone of national governance, local governments play a great role in the management of public crises. The Fourth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Party for the first time proposed "technological support" as an important content of the social governance system. The arrival of the era of big data has provided new ideas and technical support for enhancing the ability of local governments to manage public crises. Through the collection and collation of relevant literature on public crisis governance and big data technology, based on public crisis theory, governance theory and big data technology theory, we explored the incompatibility of the original public crisis governance method in the era of big data and its bringing The change. Taking Hangzhou as an example for the analysis of new coronaviruses, the status quo and shortcomings of local governments using big data technology to deal with public crises were analyzed, and the improvement path was summarized.
Keywords Local government Public crisis Big data technology


第一章 引言10
1.1 选题背景与意义10
1.1.1 选题背景10
1.1.2 选题意义10
1.2 国内外研究现状10
1.2.1 国外研究现状10
1.2.2 国内研究现状11
1.3 研究思路与方法13
1.3.1 研究思路13
1.3.2 研究方法13
第二章 概念阐述与理论基础14
2.1 概念阐述14
2.1.1 大数据概述14
2.1.2 公共危机概述14
2.2 理论基础15
2.2.1 治理理论15
2.2.2 政府能力理论16
第三章 大数据条件下地方政府公共危机治理能力现状16
3.1 现有公共危机治理机制在大数据时代面临的困境16
3.1.1 治理思维影响危机预警能力16
3.1.2 治理结构影响危机决策效率17
3.1.3 治理模式影响危机信息共享17
3.2 大数据技术给公共危机治理带来的变化17
3.2.1 由事后治理转向事前治理17
3.2.2 由经验决策转向数据决策18
3.2.3 由分散治理转向整体治理18
第四章 大数据条件下地方政府公共危机治理的案例分析——以杭州市政府应对新冠肺炎疫情为例19
4.1 杭州市在应对新冠肺炎疫情期间采取的措施19
4.2 大数据技术在杭州市应对新冠肺炎疫情中的作用19
4.2.2 事中响应:协同治理“一盘棋”保障资源共享19
4.2.3 事后恢复:“一图一码一指数”防控复工两不误20
4.3 杭州市政府在运用大数据技术应对疫情中出现的问题20
4.3.1 新型“数字鸿沟”的存在使大数据应用存在死角20
4.3.2 舆情回应不及时给公共危机治理造成负面影响21
4.3.3 公共危机治理过程中存在数据泄露现象21
第五章 大数据条件下地方政府公共危机治理能力提升路径22
5.1 转变传统理念,培养大数据思维22
5.2 打破职权设定 构建数据管理平台22
5.3 加大政府投入 强化应急保障23
5.4 健全保障制度 确保数据安全23
第六章 结语23