新时代中国农村土地政策的创新与变迁研究 摘要 通过社会生产及发展实践可以看出农村土地政策的科学性、创新性、效率决定着农村地区生产力发展和生产关系变革的效 率。我国农村土地制度创新和变迁更是与农村地区经济和社会进步有着重要影响。自古至今,我国在农村土地制度上的建设可 以称为现代土地制度的蓝本,无论是屯田制还是联产承包责任制都是那个时代的正确选择。目前,我国农村土地政策经历着私 有制到公有制的过渡,本研究也正是基于这种背景进行探究,通过对农村土地政策的变迁和创新了解改革开放之后我国农村土 地的演进历程,并对其中存在的问题和对策进行分析,希望可以保障我国农村土地政策的完整性,对农业农村发展提供助力。 关键词:政策学习;土地政策;创新变迁 ABSTRACT Through the practice of social production and development, we can see that the scientific, innovative and efficient rural land policy determines the efficiency of the development of productivity and the change of production relations in rural areas. The innovation and change of rural land system in China has an important influence on the economic and social progress of rural areas. Since ancient times, china's construction of rural land system can be called the blueprint of modern land system, whether it is Farming system or joint contract responsibility system is the correct choice of that era. At present, China's rural land policy is undergoing the transition from private ownership to public ownership, this study is also based on this background to explore, through the changes and innovation of rural land policy to understand the evolution of rural land in China after the reform and opening up, and to analyze the existing problems and countermeasures, hoping to ensure the integrity of China's rural land policy, to provide assistance to agricultural rural development. Key words: Policy study; Land policy; Innovation change 目录 一、绪论………………………1 (一)研究背景………………………1 (二)研究目的和意义………………………1 (三)研究方法………………………1 二、相关概念及文献综述………………………1 (一)相关概念………………………1 (二)文献综述………………………2 三、新时代我国农村土地政策变迁过程………………………3 (一)改革开放以后土地政策的变迁与政策调整………………………3 (二)土地政策变迁取得的主要成效………………………6 四、新时代我国农村土地政策变迁的阻滞因素………………………6 (一)土地确权问题………………………7 (二)农地流转市场体制、机制不健全………………………8 (三)农民群众改革意识不强………………………8 (四)新型经营主体缺乏绝对竞争力………………………9 五、土地政策变迁创新的完善路径………………………10 (一)明晰“三权”权能………………………10 (二)推进体制机制创新、保证权能实现………………………11 (三)加大农民文化素质培训力度………………………13 (四)培育新型农业经营主体,提高竞争力………………………13 六、总结………………………14 参考文献………………………15 |