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摘 要




With the rapid economic and social development,the people's yearning for a better life is increasing, and rural environmental issues have attracted more and more attention from all aspects. Rural revitalization has attracted attention since it was put forward.Due to the limitations of traditional governance concepts,insufficient rural environmental governance,single financing channels for rural environmental governance,and imperfect rural environmental governance systems and mechanisms, my country’s rural environmental governance issues It has become more prominent and has seriously affected the healthy development of the rural economy and society and the quality of life of the majority of farmers. At the juncture of building a well-off society in an all-round way, we must pay more attention to rural environmental governance. Therefore, it is very necessary to find out the causes of rural environmental problems and seek solutions. This article takes Hutang Village as an example and conducts an in-depth study on the promotion of rural environmental governance in Hutang Village through field visits. From the government level,the internal accountability of government agencies isweak, and the corresponding funding sources are lacking; from the citizen level, the residents' awareness of ecological protection is weak, and they don't have too many concepts about ecological environment construction. For this reason, under the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping,it is particularly important to strengthen rural environmental governance.

key words:hutang county,rural revitalization,rural environmental governance,rural living environment

目 录

中文摘要 4

英文摘要 4

引 言 7

一、 绪论 8

(一) 研究背景及研究意义 8

1、研究背景 8

2、研究意义 9

(二) 研究目标、内容和方法 9

1、研究目标、内容 9

2、研究方法 10

(三) 相关理论 10

1、公共物品理论 10

2、服务型政府理论 10

3、乡村治理理论 11

(四) 相关概念 11

1、乡村振兴 11

2、农村环境治理 12

二、 农村环境治理国内外现状对比综述 12

(一) 国内研究综述 12

(二) 国外研究综述 13

三、湖塘村环境治理的现状及问题 15

(一) 湖塘村环境治理的现状 15

(二) 影响湖塘村环境治理发展的主要问题 16

1、群众缺乏生态环境保护意识 16

2、农村环境设施落后导致生活垃圾污染严重 16

3、治理理念落后 17

4、农村人居环境整治没有形成合力 17

四、湖塘村环境治理问题的原因分析 18

(一) 缺乏生态文明意识 18

1、村民环保意识不高 18

2、基层官员的治理理念有待提高 18

(二)基层治理支撑资源不足 19

1、基础设施不完善 19

2、农业生产技术水平落后 19

(三)治理制度法规不全面 20

1、优化治理思路 20

2、国家机构内部问责不力 21

(四)治理体制机制不完善 21

1、政府部门之间协调能力差 21

2、生态治理的社会参与度不高 22

五、湖塘村环境治理问题的对策 22

(一)大力培育生态文化并提高生态文明意识 22

1、培养正确的生态价值观 22

2、拓展宣传形式 23

(二)争取政策扶持有资金保障 24

(三)建立健全农村生态环境治理体制机制 25

1、政府应加强环保执法人员队伍建设 25

2、完善农村生态环保法律法规 26

(四)建立健全联动机制 26

1、落实领导责任 26

2、统一规划组织协调及信息公开的责任 27

结 语 29

参考文献 30