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Villagers' self governance, which is a kind of social system of villagers' self management, self education and self service, is the main body of the villagers' self governance. The villagers' autonomy is of great significance, which can promote the development of social economy, social harmony and social stability, and so on. The existence of China's vast, economic development gap, the rural population accounts for a large proportion of the population, and our country is in and for a long time in the primary stage of socialism, so the plight of the existence of villagers autonomy research is imperative. The history of villagers autonomy in China is not long, development of villager autonomy is constantly perfected, villagers' autonomy in the process of development made remarkable achievements, but at the same time, we should also see all kinds of problems existed in the operation. The plight of the existence of Villagers Autonomy Research, we should proceed from the actual operation of the villagers' autonomy, to find the actual problems really exist, so our research makes sense, and we can also find out problems need to be solved. The villagers' autonomy from actual of reference to the large number of documents, the villager autonomy in our country universal existence problems were summarized, at the same time, it analyses the reasons of these problems, also put forward corresponding the countermeasures to solve the problem of villager autonomy to run into difficulties. Through the research of this paper, we hope to find a new way to the villagers' self governance, so that the villagers' self governance can get a good run.
关键词村民自治 ,政府,村委会,村民


摘要 2
Abstract 2
前言 3
第1章 村民自治的定义及发展历程 4
1.1 村民自治的定义 4
1.2村民自治的发展历程 4
第2章 村民自治取得的成就 5
2.1村级有了规章制度 5
2.2推动基层的全面发展 5
2.3稳定社会秩序 5
2.4加快中国民主建设的步伐 6
第3章现阶段村民自治运行的难题 6
3.1制度与实际难于匹配 6
3.2 社区自治与村民自治的冲突 7
3.3 村民参与度不够 7
3.4 村经济未改革影响自治 7
3.5 贿选出现 7
3.6 地方政府没有及时调整制度 8
第4章 产生问题的原因分析 8
4.1法律制度在村建设相对滞后 8
4.2政府支持力薄弱 8
4.2.1政府对村民自治处于不闻不问的状态 8
4.2.2政府直接干预村内事务 9
4.2.3村委会财力薄弱 9
4.3村干部个人问题 9
4.3.1村干部消极作为 9
4.3.2村干部个人眼光短浅或受教育程度低 9
4.4 经济发展带来的影响 10
4.5宗族的影响 10
4.6我国漫长历史的影响 10
第5章 对策分析 10
5.1完善基层自治的法制建设 10
5.2 发展农村文化教育 11
5.3 政府应大力支持村民自治 12
5.3.1政府宏观主导 12
5.3.2政府财政支持 12
5.3.3不干预村干部的选举 12
5.4动员村民参与村民自治 12
结语 12
主要参考文献 13