新型城镇化背景下多层次社会保障体系建立问题研究综述 摘要:新型城镇化不仅要求人口迁移和居住地的变化,而且要求更加注重让农民有和城市居民一样的社会保障、公共服务、文化设施等。 本文先叙述了新型城镇化,在此基础之上又描述了该背景下的有关多层次社会保障的建立问题。 Abstract: The new urbanization not only requires the population migration and the change of residence, and to pay more attention to let the farmers and city residents social security culture of public service facilities, etc This paper first describes the new urbanization, on this basis, describes the background about the establishment of a multi-level social security problem. 关键词:新型城镇化;社会保障;十九大 Key words: new-type urbanization; Social security; the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China |