对顺丰快递配送业务优化研究 摘要:据2019 年统计数据显示,我国物流快递业务量高达 635.2 亿件,同比增长 23.5% ; 总计收入高达 7497.8 亿元, 同比增长 24.2% 。顺丰速运作为国内快递行业的“龙头老大”,以其运输速度快和服务质量好在快递行业中占据重要地位,在物流快递行业有一定的代表性。文中围绕顺丰速运配送业务方面存在的问题进行分析,提出了优化配送业务相应的方法,旨在为快递业配送业务的优化提供一定的借鉴。 关键词:快递;配送;顺丰速运 Abstract Abstract:According to 2019 statistics, China's logistics express business volume reached 63.52 billion pieces, an increase of 23.5 percent over the same period last year; the total revenue reached 74.978 billion yuan, an increase of 24.2 percent over the same period last year.Shun Feng express transportation as the domestic express industry "leading boss ",with its fast transportation speed and service quality in the express industry occupies an important position, in the logistics express industry has a certain representative. In this paper, the problems existing in Shun Feng express delivery business are analyzed, and the corresponding methods of optimizing distribution business are put forwardin order to provide some reference for the optimization of express delivery business. Key words:express; delivery ; SF Express 目录 摘 要 I Abstract II 一、导言 1 (一) 研究背景及意义 1 二、顺丰有限公司现状 2 三、顺丰有限公司存在的问题 2 (一)终端配送路径问题 (二)配送时效问题 (1)快件分拣环节的错发和漏发 (2)输送带的堵塞 (三)网点速运价格不统一 (四)运能利用不充分 四、顺丰有限公司配送问题的解决策略 2 (一)路径优化方案( 节约里程法) (二)缩短配送时效 (三)统一定价 (1)进行制度技术改良 (2)加强数字化建设 (3)加强人员工作中理念 (四)充分发挥各种交通运能 五、总结 2 参考文献 3 谢辞 5 |