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In recent years, live marketing represented by Taobao live breaks the defects of traditional live and offline marketing, and promotes the further development of e-commerce economy. Live marketing has a bright future,attracting more and more social apps and online shopping apps to introduce this mode. However, as the cake of live broadcasting industry market is divided up by market entrants,how to maintain the advantages of Taobao live broadcasting has become the focus of its development. In this paper, the development status of Taobao live broadcasting,combined with the questionnaire analysis of its SWOT,extracted Taobao live marketing problems,such as product quality assurance and brand loyalty formation, low professional quality of anchor leading to live broadcasting, and single form of live broadcasting reducing the competitiveness of the platform, and put forward reasonable selection, quality assurance, improve the overall quality of anchor and innovation of live broadcasting form Hope to help Taobao live marketing healthy development

Keywords:Network live; Taobao live; marketing problems; solutions



摘要 h I

abstract II

1 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究现状 1

1.3研究目的 1

1.4研究意义 2

2 文献综述 2

3 直播电商概念界定 2

4 淘宝直播现状分析淘宝直播产业链相关情况介绍 2

4.1淘宝直播介绍 2

4.2基于swot分析的淘宝直播现状 4

4.2.1问卷设计与发放 4

4.2.2 SWOT分析 5

(1)淘宝直播营销的优势 5

(2)淘宝直播的发展劣势 8

(3)淘宝直播面临的机会 10

(4)淘宝直播面临的挑战 11

5 基于淘宝直播的网络营销问题分析 14

5.1产品的质量及其服务受限,影响品牌忠诚度的形成 14

5.2主播行业门槛低,导致直播内容不明确,影响产品的销售 14

5.2.1淘宝主播对于自身定位不清晰 14

5.2.2忽略脚本在直播过程中的应用 14

5.2.3直播内容不明确 15

5.3淘宝直播形式单一,内容不充分,导致平台竞争率低 15

6 淘宝直播的改进措施建议 15

6.1选择合适产品推广,保障直播产品质量 15

6.2提高主播直播素质 16

6.1做好市场定位,找准目标人群 16

6.2鼓励更多参与直播的民众提升主播素质 16

6.3淘宝直播形式、内容的丰富创新 16

7 结语 17