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摘 要:近年来,随着互联网信息技术的飞速发展,经济全球化进程加快,许多中小企业逐步从传统贸易向跨境电子商务贸易转型。在此背景下,本文就游源公司在亚马逊日本站平台中存在的选品问题,通过数据统计、SWTO分析,进而解决企业在选品过程中存在的转化率低、选品效率低下等问题,提出产品精细化定位策略和跨境电商出口选品的合理建议,使游源公司更具市场竞争力,也为今后新兴的跨境电商企业提供参考价值。
关键词: 跨境电商;亚马逊平台;日本市场;选品策略
Study on the Product Selection Strategy of Amazon Japan of Youyuan Company
Abstract:In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet information technology and the acceleration of economic globalization,many small and medium-sized enterprises have gradually transformed from traditional trade to cross-border e-commerce trade. In this background, this article will swim source company in the amazon Japan choose product problems in the station platform, through the data statistics, the STP theory, SWTO analysis,and then solve the enterprise data in the process of choose product and process, low conversion rate,low efficiency and so on selected goods, fine product positioning strategies and cross-border electricity exports to choose reasonable Suggestions, make tourism source companies more market competitiveness, and emerging of cross-border electronic business enterprise to provide the reference for the future value.
Keywords:Cross-border e-commerce; Amazon platform;Japanese market; Product selection strategy