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Investigation and Analysis on the Inheritance of Guangxi opera as Intangible Cultural heritage


The culture contained in the Chinese nation is the driving force for the continuous development and expansion of the nation. The national culture embodies the wisdom and blood of the people,and embodies the national character and strong will incisively and vividly. National culture plays an important role in cultivating people's sense of identity and national character. At present, the government attaches great importance to the inheritance of national culture, especially the intangible cultural heritage,but it still encounters corresponding obstacles in the specific inheritance. Therefore, in this paper, the main research contents of the intangible cultural heritage in guangxi GuiJu heritage status quo,in the process of research for the intangible cultural heritage in guangxi GuiJu inheritance situation of implementation of the questionnaire analysis, concrete from GuiJu cultural identity, GuiJu cultural inheritance, GuiJu creative thinking level,GuiJu inheritance development funds to support a few aspects,a further analysis on the problems existing in the inheritance, and perfect the reasonable solutions are proposed according to the problem, the inheritance and development of it to later as to provide important theoretical reference basis.

Key words: Inheritance; GuiJu; National culture; Intangible cultural heritage



前言 1

(一)选题理由 1

(二)研究对象、研究目的及研究方法 1

(三)研究资料来源 2

一、桂剧的传承与保护历程 2

(一)清末桂剧风格的形成 2

(二)建国初期桂剧影响力的迅速扩大 2

(三)文革时期桂剧遭受深重灾难 3

(四)桂剧蕴含的价值 3

1.民族认同 3

2.历史审美 3

二、广西非物质文化遗产桂剧的传承现状 4

(一)广西非物质文化遗产桂剧的传承现状调查分析 4

1.桂剧文化认同感情况 4

2.桂剧文化传承人情况 5

3.桂剧创新思维水平情况 5

4.桂剧传承发展资金支持情况 6

(二)小结 7

三、广西非物质文化遗产桂剧的传承中所存在的问题 8

(一)桂剧文化认同意识薄弱 8

(二)桂剧传承人出现断层 8

(三)创作思维陈旧及创作水平不高 8

(四)缺乏经费支持 9

(一)加强桂剧的推广与宣传 9

(二)有意识培养桂剧专业人才 10

1.学校开设桂剧专业 10

2.对传承人进行各种奖励机制 10

(三)注重创新与创作 11

(四)政府加以重视,增加资金投入 11

结语 13

附录 14

参考文献 17

致谢 18