试析晚清书院由盛转衰的原因及对今天民办教育的启示 摘要 书院创始于唐代,明时书院曾因科举加强而沉寂百年,后由于一批儒学大家的推广而再度兴盛。清初时对书院的开办又采取了禁止政策,直到雍正十一年才允许办书院。由于国家的支持,清朝的书院发展很快,据统计,清代新建、复兴、改造的书院合计达1900多所。鸦片战争后,清朝进行了戊戌变法维新,废除科举将书院一律改为新式学堂,书院在教育中的地位再度陷入低谷。本文主要通过多种角度分析在中国历史上曾受到广泛重视和起到很大作用的书院由盛转衰的原因进而推广至如今的民办教育领域,揭示古代私学兴衰的同时也为如今的民办教育应该如何发展提供一定的启示作用。 关键词:书院;晚清;民办教育 ABSTARCT The academy was founded in the tang dynasty.In the Ming dynasty, the academy fell silent for a hundred years due to the strengthening of theimperial examinations, and then flourished again due to the promotion of a group of confucianists. In the early Qing Dynasty, the establishment of academies was prohibited,and it was not until the 11th year of Yongzheng that academies were allowed to open. Thanks to the support of the state, academies in the Qing Dynasty developed rapidly.According to statistics, more than 1,900 academies were built, revived or reformed in the Qing Dynasty. After the Opium War, the Qing Dynasty carried out the Reform Movement of 1898,abolished the imperial examination and replaced all academies with new academies. The status of academies in education fell into a low ebb again.This paper mainly analyzes the reasons why academies,which have been widely valued and played a great rolein Chinese history,turned from prosperity to decline from a variety of perspectives and then extended to today's private education field, revealing the rise and fall of ancient private schools and providing some enlightenment for the development of today's private education.
Keywords:Academy;Late qing dynasty;Private education 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTARCT II 第一章、绪论 1 (一)论文起源与选题意义 1 (二)学术研究现状 2 第二章、书院的发展及其相对于官学的优劣分析 3 (一)书院的发展历程 3 (二)书院相对于官学的优势 4 (三)书院相对于官学的劣势 4 第三章、晚清书院应对近代变革的方法与影响 5 (一)对近代变革的应对方法 5 1.治心修身、传道济民与科举做官结合 6 2.书院的态度是反科举,并排斥科举内容 6 3.科举与文学二者并举,互为表里 7 4.学术思想训练为主,辅以科举应试训练 7 (二)书院应对之法的影响 8 1.书院自身的生存 8 2.人才的素质提升 9 第四章、晚清书院兴衰对今天民办教育的启示 9 (一)要有理想主义精神 9 (二)公私互补 10 (三)注重民间力量 11 (四)新老结合,有助于培养学生的综合素质 11 结语 13 参考文献 15 致谢 16 |