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摘 要

随着城市化的快速发展,城市就像人们的新陈代谢一样,大量的新城区被建设起来, 很多过去成为一代人生命记忆的城市地标建筑最后只能变成孤独的身影, 矗立在老城区之中。 为了将城市中为数不多的旧城市建筑记录下来, 使用黑白的摄影手法能够用一种全新的视角镌刻时间带给一个城市的风貌变化, 也为观众带去黑白摄影特有的震撼与动容。 本文旨在结合摄影作品《城市的变迁》的创作全过程, 对风光摄影表现手法和创新形式进行初步的探索,并对整个创作过程作全面的总结。 笔者利用光影在白天和黑夜中不同的呈现, 将“城市的变迁”这一抽象的概念融入作品中。 希望尝试寻求新颖的创作视角,在二维空间中创造出四维空间的观感, 让受众在欣赏美丽城市风光的同时感受另外一种视觉表现形式。

【关键词】:风光摄影; 城市变迁; 光影;


With the rapid development of urbanization, cities are like people’s metabolism. A large number of new urban areas have been built. Many urban landmarks that have become memories of a generation of people in the past can only become lonely figures standing in the old city. . In order to record the few old urban buildings in the city, the use of black-and-white photography can engrave time with a new perspective to bring changes in the style of a city, and also bring the unique shock and movement of black-and-white photography to the audience. This article aims to combine the entire creation process of the photographic work "City Changes", to conduct a preliminary exploration of the expression techniques and innovative forms of landscape photography, and to make a comprehensive summary of the entire creation process. The author uses the different presentation of light and shadow in the day and night, and integrates the abstract concept of "city change" into the work. I hope to try to find a novel creative perspective, create a four-dimensional look and feel in a two-dimensional space, so that the audience can experience another form of visual expression while appreciating the beautiful city scenery.

Key words:Landscape photography; city changes; light and shadow;