后疫情时代乡村民宿业发展的动向研究 摘要:受疫情影响,许多景区都挂出了暂停营业的公示。以农业为基础的乡村民宿,受到疫情的影响更严重。新冠肺炎疫情期间人们的外出需求受到压制,疫情给人们带来的还有严重的心理创伤,因此疫情一旦解除大幅增长的一定有出游需求,正因如此乡村民宿又是一个发展的新起点。因此,本文以此为切入点,探讨乡村民宿旅游开发的新模式,通过受新冠肺炎疫情影响的旅游业来探索后疫情时代乡村民宿业发展的动向。 关键词:后疫情时代;乡村民宿业;动向;研究 The development research trend of rural home stay industry in the post-epidemic era Abstract:Affected by the epidemic, many scenic spots have hung out the suspension of business notices. Rural homestays, which are based on agriculture, have been particularly affected by the outbreak. During the COVID-19 epidemic, people's demand for going out was suppressed, and the epidemic also brought serious psychological trauma to people. Therefore, once the epidemic was lifted, there would be a huge increase in the demand for going out. Because of this, rural home stay is a new starting point for development. Therefore, this paper takes this as the entry point to explore the new mode of rural home stay tourism development, and explores the development trend of rural home stay industry in the post-epidemic era through the tourism industry affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. Keywords:Post-epidemic era;Rural home stay industry;trend;research |