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With the acceleration of economic globalization and knowledge-based process,we have to face more and more uncertain factors,and a good financial strategy can reasonably avoid the impact of these uncertain factors, so the prevention and control of financial strategic risks is very important for enterprises.
Firstly, this paper expounds the concept and characteristics of financial strategy and enterprise financial strategic risks. Secondly, it introduces the general situation of Foton Motor,which is the research object of this paper,and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of profitability, solvency and operational ability by using the financial index data of the enterprise from 2015 to 2019. Then, it analyzes the current situation of the company's financial strategycombined with the strategic objectives and strategic plans of the enterprise. The investment, financing and dividend distribution tables from 2015 to 2019 are used to analyze the enterprise's investment strategy,financing strategy and dividend distribution strategy respectively. Secondly, the enterprise's cash flow statement is used to evaluate andanalyze the risks arising from the enterprise's fund-raising activities, investment activities, operating activities and income distribution. Finally, in summary, the existing problems of Foton Motor's financial strategy are put forward, and the corresponding control strategies are put forward.

Key Words: Foton Motor, Financial strategy, Financial risks,Risk analysis


第1章 研究背景 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 研究对象与方法 1

1.4 文献综述 2

1.5 研究内容与论文结构 2

第2章 财务战略的基本理论 3

2.1 财务战略的定义与特征 3

2.1.1 财务战略的定义 3

2.1.2 财务战略的特征 3

2.2 财务战略风险理论 4

2.2.1 筹资风险理论 4

2.2.2 营运风险理论 4

2.2.3 收益分配风险理论 4

2.2.4 投资风险理论 4

第3章 福田汽车财务战略现状 5

3.1 福田汽车概况 5

3.2 福田汽车财务状况 5

3.2.1 盈利能力分析 5

3.2.2 偿债能力分析 6

3.2.3 营运能力分析 7

3.3 福田汽车财务战略现状 7

3.3.1 公司的战略目标 7

3.3.2 公司的战略计划 8

3.3.3 公司财务战略现状分析 8

第4章 福田汽车财务战略风险分析 10

4.1 福田汽车财务风险评估分析 10

4.1.1 筹资风险 10

4.1.2 营运风险 11

4.1.3 收益分配风险 11

4.1.4 投资风险 12

4.2 福田汽车财务战略存在的问题 12

4.2.1 盈利能力有待提升 12

4.2.2 投资战略过于急功近利 13

4.2.3 流动资产周转速度有待加强 13

第5章 福田汽车财务战略风险控制策略 13

5.1降低企业资本成本 13

5.1.1减少企业债务资本 13

5.1.2丰富企业筹资形式 14

5.2增加企业投资回报率 14

5.2.1降低投资项目的风险 14

5.3提高流动资产周转能力 15

5.3.1提高存货管理水平 15

5.3.2提高应收账款收款水平 15

第六章 结论 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18