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ABSTRACT:With the development of China's economy,each market has become a red sea of fighting among enterprises, and the competition among enterprises is increasingly fierce. In financial management,it is believed that cost management is an important content, and tax cost is an important part of cost management. Therefore, enterprises can use preferential tax policies to reduce the tax burden for enterprises as far as possible under the premise of comliying with China's tax law. Especially after the trade friction between China and the United States,the United States suppressed Chinese enterprises, such as Huawei and ZTE,which forced China to provide a series of preferential tax policies for high-tech industries. In 2016, we implemented the policy of replacing business tax with VAT; In 2018,we further deepened reform across the board; We cut taxes and fees on a large scale in 2019. In this context, if enterprises make full use of preferential tax policies and do a good job of reasonable tax planning,they will improve their technological innovation ability and thus enhance their competitiveness. And, tax planning has acertain significance to the enterprise.

Key words: new high-tech enterprise; tax planning; corporate income tax


目 录

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景及意义 1

1.研究背景 1

2.研究意义 1

(二)国内外文献综述 1

1.国外文献综述 1

2.国内文献综述 1

3.国内外文献述评 2

二、税收筹划相关理论 3

(一)税收筹划的概念 3

(二)企业所得税税收筹划的原则 3

1.合法性原则 3

2.事前筹划原则 3

3.目标性原则 3

4.整体性原则 3

5.时效性原则 3

(三)企业所得税税收筹划的方法 3

1.税收优惠政策筹划 3

2.延期纳税筹划 4

3.税收扣除筹划 4

(四)企业所得税筹划时存在的风险及防范方法 4

1.筹划风险 4

2.风险防范 4

三、晶盛机电的财务及涉税分析 5

(一)公司简介 5

(二)公司组织架构 5

(三)财务情况分析 6

1.盈利能力 6

2.偿债能力 6

3.营运能力 7

(四)涉税情况分析 7

(五)企业所得税税负现状分析 8

四、晶盛机电企业所得税税收筹划 11

(一)应税收入筹划 11

(二)扣除项目筹划 11

1.公益性捐赠筹划 11

2.业务招待费筹划 12

3.福利费筹划 13

(三)税收优惠政策筹划 14

1.加计扣除筹划 14

2.加速折旧筹划 15

(四)纳税人身份选择筹划 16

(五)公司纳税筹划方案前后对比 17

结 语 18

参考文献 19


致 谢 20