文学伦理学视阈下的《安娜卡列尼娜》 摘要 《安娜·卡列尼娜》是俄国作家列夫·托尔斯泰的代表作品之一,故事采用双线结构,讲述了女主人公安娜与卡列宁和伏伦斯基两个男人之间的感情纠葛,以及另一个主人公列文在庄园进行农事改革和探索的故事。小说以俄国处于历史大变动时期的19世纪七十年代为故事背景,古老腐朽的封建农奴制的俄国受到了来自西欧资本主义浪潮的猛烈冲击,长期遭受情感压抑的安娜勇敢地冲破礼教,追求爱情,追求个性解放,而同时安娜又受到了传统伦理观念和宗教观念的束缚,这使他陷入了伦理冲突和伦理困境之中。本文尝试从文学伦理学的视角,通过结合这一特殊时期的历史语境,来解读身处伦理困境之中的安娜所面临的两难的伦理选择,并进一步探讨其悲剧成因。 关键词 《安娜·卡列尼娜》;文学伦理学批评;伦理环境;伦理选择;伦理冲突 Anna Karenina from The Perspective of Literary Ethics Abstract Anna Karenina is one of the representative works of Russian writer Lev Tolstoy. The story adopts a two-line structure, which tells the emotional entanglement between the heroine Anna and two men, Karenina and Fu Lenski, and the story of another hero Levin's agricultural reform and exploration in the manor. The novel is set in the 1870s, when Russia was in a period of great changes in history. The ancient and decadent feudal serfdom of Russia was violently impacted by the tide of capitalism from Western Europe. Anna, who suffered from emotional repression for a long time, bravely broke through moral codes and pursued love and personality liberation. At the same time, Anna was bound by traditional ethics and religious concepts. This made him fall into ethical conflicts and ethical dilemmas. This paper attempts to interpret Anna's ethical dilemma from the perspective of literary ethics and the historical context of this special period, and further explore the causes of her tragedy. Key words
Anna Karenina; Literary ethics criticism; Ethical environment; Ethical choice; Ethical conflict 目 录 摘要 1 Abstract 2 前 言 3 一、安娜所处的伦理环境 4 二、安娜的伦理困境 6 (一)困于家庭 6 (二)沉沦于爱情 7 三、安娜的伦理悲剧 10 (一)安娜伦理身份的转换 10 (二)安娜自身性格的阻碍 12 结 语 14 参考文献 15 致 谢 16 |