从《等待戈多》解析法国荒诞派戏剧 摘 要 在戏剧越来越大众化的今天,中西方戏剧、新式戏剧与传统戏剧逐渐进入普罗大众的审美视野。传统的西方戏剧形式完整、叙事明白,而“法国荒诞派戏剧”此类的新式戏剧一般受众则更为陌生。为此我们便有了了解新戏剧的代表——法国荒诞派戏剧的必要。在此,本人便借《等待戈多》这部作品,就法国荒诞派戏剧的主题与形式对其进行解析。以期通过对其了解指导对新式戏剧的审美与创作。 【关键词】:《等待戈多》;法国荒诞派戏剧;解析;主题;形式 Abstract As the drama becomes more and more popular, Chinese and western dramas, new plays and traditional dramas gradually enter the aesthetic vision of the general public. The traditional form of western drama is complete and narrative, while the modern drama of "French theatre of the absurd" is a stranger. So we have a representation of the new drama -- the French theatre of the absurd. In this case, I borrowed "waiting for godot" to resolve the subject and form of the French theatre of the absurd. In order to understand the aesthetic and creation of the new drama. Key words: Witting for godot; The French theatre of the Absurd; Analysis; Theme; Form 目 录 摘 要 1 【关键词】 1 绪论 3 一、《等待戈多》 4 1. 《等待戈多》简介 4 2. 简析《等待戈多》 4 二、从《等待戈多》中解析法国荒诞派戏剧 11 1. 从《等待戈多》到法国荒诞派戏剧 11 2. “荒诞的体验”的主题与“人的孤独”的主题 12 3. 解构、非理性的创作手法与独特的戏剧语言的使用 14 4. 痛苦的生与同样痛苦的死——挣扎在生死边缘的人物 16 结语 17 谢辞 17 参考文献 18 |