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摘 要

Pride and prejudice is one of famous British female writer Jane Austen. She in arrogance and bias in the sharp to proposed has she of marriage views and Frank to expression has marriage and love, and money, and status of relationship, she think women of status does not than male humble, women also does not necessarily to completely obey male of requirements, women also due courage, and free and independent of thought; in family life in the men and women status should is equal of, women not should completely attached Yu male, women to has himself independent of life and survival space, and family life of harmony need men and women both of inclusive and mutual understanding; Respect and equality is the correct attitude towards marriage and family, love is the premise and basis of ideal of marriage, money and wealth is an important part of a happy marriage and good family. Her marriage values, shows the author in love, marriage and family life of idealism and rationalism, ahead of her marriage in the society are rare, have certain advantages. On arrogance and bias in the of marriage views has always been are has research, this article papers first analysis has Jane • Austin marriage views of formed, then focuses on on works in the of several on marriage type and by representative of marriage values for described, and from women views, and marriage views, and family views, multiple angle refined out author Jane • Austin of marriage views value concept, then discussion has Jane • Austin marriage views of limited, compared full to analysis has Jane • Austrian Austin in arrogance and bias in the of marriage views.
Key words: pride and prejudice; marriage form; consciousness; limited


摘 要 1
前言 3
一、简•奥斯汀婚姻观的形成 3
(一)工业革命及社会变革的冲击 3
(二)启蒙运动唤起女性意识 4
(1)对金钱至上的婚姻观的不认同 4
(2)伊丽莎白的新女性形象 4
(3)本内特先生民主的父亲形象 5
(三)社会条件的制约 5
(四)简•奥斯汀自身经历的影响 5
二、简•奥斯汀的婚姻观 6
(一)女性观 7
(1)女性在公共空间的地位 7
(2)女性在家庭生活中的地位 7
(二)婚恋观 8
(1)爱情与婚姻 8
(2)物质与婚姻 8
(3)情欲与婚姻 9
(三)家庭观 10
三、简•奥斯汀婚姻观的局限 10
(一)对传统女性的同情 10
(二)封建阶级意识残留 11
结语 11
参考文献 11